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david-christiansen committed Feb 4, 2014
2 parents e80f871 + b7d6d41 commit 20fbc08
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Showing 8 changed files with 170 additions and 147 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ New in 0.9.11:
be total, e.g "assert_total (tail (x :: xs))".
* Terminal width is automatically detected if Idris is compiled with curses
support. If curses is not available, automatic mode assumes 80 columns.
* Changed argument order for Prelude.Either.either.
* Experimental 'neweffects' library, intended to replace 'effects' in the
next release.

Internal changes

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libs/neweffects/Effect/File.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ openOK m False = ()

data FileIO : Effect where
Open : String -> (m : Mode) ->
{() ==> if result then OpenFile m else ()} FileIO Bool
{() ==> {res} if res then OpenFile m else ()} FileIO Bool
Close : {OpenFile m ==> ()} FileIO ()

ReadLine : {OpenFile Read} FileIO String
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions libs/neweffects/Effects.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ class Handler (e : Effect) (m : Type -> Type) where
-- A bit of syntactic sugar ('syntax' is not very flexible so we only go
-- up to a small number of parameters...)

syntax "{" [inst] "==>" "{" {b} "}" [outst] "}" [eff]
= eff inst (\b => outst)
syntax "{" [inst] "==>" [outst] "}" [eff] = eff inst (\result => outst)
syntax "{" [inst] "}" [eff] = eff inst (\result => inst)

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions libs/prelude/Prelude/Either.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ choose : (b : Bool) -> Either (so b) (so (not b))
choose True = Left oh
choose False = Right oh

either : Either a b -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c
either (Left x) l r = l x
either (Right x) l r = r x
either : (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either l r (Left x) = l x
either l r (Right x) = r x

lefts : List (Either a b) -> List a
lefts [] = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ leftInjective refl = refl

total rightInjective : {a : Type} -> {x : b} -> {y : b}
-> (Right {a = a} x = Right {a = a} y) -> (x = y)
rightInjective refl = refl
rightInjective refl = refl
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

echo "Building version-$VERSION\n\n"
echo "Have you: set the release flag, checked the demos and the tutorial?"
read $foo

git tag version-$VERSION -a


cabal sdist

cabal configure --prefix=/usr/local
cabal build
cabal copy --destdir=/tmp/idris-pkg/
pkgbuild --id org.idris-lang --root /tmp/idris-pkg/ idris-$VERSION.pkg

269 changes: 135 additions & 134 deletions src/IRTS/CodegenJavaScript.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,6 +262,43 @@ jsError :: String -> JS
jsError err = JSApp (JSFunction [] (JSError err)) []

foldJS :: (JS -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> JS -> a
foldJS tr add acc js =
fold js
fold js
| JSFunction args body <- js =
add (tr js) (fold body)
| JSSeq seq <- js =
add (tr js) $ foldl' add acc (map fold seq)
| JSReturn ret <- js =
add (tr js) (fold ret)
| JSApp lhs rhs <- js =
add (tr js) $ add (fold lhs) (foldl' add acc $ map fold rhs)
| JSNew _ args <- js =
add (tr js) $ foldl' add acc $ map fold args
| JSOp _ lhs rhs <- js =
add (tr js) $ add (fold lhs) (fold rhs)
| JSProj obj _ <- js =
add (tr js) (fold obj)
| JSArray vals <- js =
add (tr js) $ foldl' add acc $ map fold vals
| JSAssign lhs rhs <- js =
add (tr js) $ add (fold lhs) (fold rhs)
| JSIndex lhs rhs <- js =
add (tr js) $ add (fold lhs) (fold rhs)
| JSAlloc _ val <- js =
add (tr js) $ fromMaybe acc $ fmap fold val
| JSTernary c t f <- js =
add (tr js) $ add (fold c) (add (fold t) (fold f))
| JSParens val <- js =
add (tr js) $ fold val
| JSCond conds <- js =
add (tr js) $ foldl' add acc $ map (uncurry add . (fold *** fold)) conds
| otherwise =
tr js

transformJS :: (JS -> JS) -> JS -> JS
transformJS tr js =
transformHelper js
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,6 +385,7 @@ isJSConstant js
| JSChar _ <- js = True
| JSNum _ <- js = True
| JSType _ <- js = True
| JSNull <- js = True

| JSApp (JSIdent "__IDRRT__bigInt") _ <- js = True
| otherwise = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,37 +487,11 @@ deadEvalApplyCases js =
map (removeHelper tags) js
getTags :: JS -> [Int]
getTags (JSNew "__IDRRT__Con" [JSNum (JSInt tag), args]) =
tag : getTags args

getTags (JSNew _ args) = concatMap getTags args

getTags (JSFunction _ body) = getTags body

getTags (JSReturn ret) = getTags ret

getTags (JSApp lhs rhs) = getTags lhs ++ concatMap getTags rhs

getTags (JSSeq seq) = concatMap getTags seq

getTags (JSOp _ lhs rhs) = getTags lhs ++ getTags rhs

getTags (JSProj obj _) = getTags obj

getTags (JSArray vals) = concatMap getTags vals

getTags (JSAssign lhs rhs) = getTags lhs ++ getTags rhs

getTags (JSAlloc _ (Just val)) = getTags val

getTags (JSCond conds) =
concatMap (uncurry (++)) $ map (getTags *** getTags) conds

getTags (JSTernary c t f) = getTags c ++ getTags t ++ getTags f

getTags (JSParens js) = getTags js

getTags js = []
getTags = foldJS match (++) []
match js
| JSNew "__IDRRT__Con" [JSNum (JSInt tag), _] <- js = [tag]
| otherwise = []

removeHelper :: [Int] -> JS -> JS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -509,36 +521,11 @@ initConstructors js =
map createConstant tags ++ replaceConstructors tags js
getTags :: JS -> [Int]
getTags (JSNew "__IDRRT__Con" [JSNum (JSInt tag), JSArray []]) = [tag]

getTags (JSNew _ args) = concatMap getTags args

getTags (JSFunction _ body) = getTags body

getTags (JSReturn ret) = getTags ret

getTags (JSApp lhs rhs) = getTags lhs ++ concatMap getTags rhs

getTags (JSSeq seq) = concatMap getTags seq

getTags (JSOp _ lhs rhs) = getTags lhs ++ getTags rhs

getTags (JSProj obj _) = getTags obj

getTags (JSArray vals) = concatMap getTags vals

getTags (JSAssign lhs rhs) = getTags lhs ++ getTags rhs

getTags (JSAlloc _ (Just val)) = getTags val

getTags (JSCond conds) =
concatMap (uncurry (++)) $ map (getTags *** getTags) conds

getTags (JSTernary c t f) = getTags c ++ getTags t ++ getTags f

getTags (JSParens js) = getTags js

getTags js = []
getTags = foldJS match (++) []
match js
| JSNew "__IDRRT__Con" [JSNum (JSInt tag), JSArray []] <- js = [tag]
| otherwise = []

replaceConstructors :: [Int] -> [JS] -> [JS]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -597,91 +584,104 @@ removeIDs js =

inlineFunctions :: [JS] -> [JS]
inlineFunctions js =
let funs = collectFunctions js
occurences = map ((id . fst) &&& countAll js) funs in
removeDeadFunctions occurences js
inlineHelper ([], js)
inlineHelper :: ([JS], [JS]) -> [JS]
inlineHelper (front , (JSAlloc fun (Just (JSFunction args body))):back)
| countAll fun front + countAll fun back == 0 =
inlineHelper (front, back)
| Just new <- inlineAble (
countAll fun front + countAll fun back
) fun args body =
let f = map (inline fun args new) in
inlineHelper (f front, f back)

inlineHelper (front, next:back) = inlineHelper (front ++ [next], back)
inlineHelper (front, []) = front

inlineAble :: Int -> String -> [String] -> JS -> Maybe JS
inlineAble 1 fun args body
| nonRecur fun body =
inlineAble' body
inlineAble' :: JS -> Maybe JS
inlineAble' (
JSReturn js@(JSNew "__IDRRT__Con" [JSNum _, JSArray vals])
| and $ map (\x -> isJSIdent x || isJSConstant x) vals = Just js

inlineAble' (
JSReturn js@(JSNew "__IDRRT__Cont" [JSFunction [] (
JSReturn (JSApp (JSIdent _) args)
| and $ map (\x -> isJSIdent x || isJSConstant x) args = Just js

inlineAble' (
JSReturn js@(JSIndex (JSProj (JSApp (JSIdent _) args) "vars") _)
| and $ map (\x -> isJSIdent x || isJSConstant x) args = Just js

inlineAble' _ = Nothing

isJSIdent js
| JSIdent _ <- js = True
| otherwise = False

inlineAble _ _ _ _ = Nothing

inline :: String -> [String] -> JS -> JS -> JS
inline fun args body js = inline' js
removeDeadFunctions :: [(String, (Int, JS))] -> [JS] -> [JS]
removeDeadFunctions _ [] = []
removeDeadFunctions funOccur ((JSAlloc fun (Just (JSFunction _ _))):js)
| Just (o, _) <- lookup fun funOccur
, o == 0 = removeDeadFunctions funOccur js

removeDeadFunctions funOccur (j:js) = j : removeDeadFunctions funOccur js

collectFunctions :: [JS] -> [(String, JS)]
collectFunctions js =
catMaybes $ map collectHelper js

collectHelper :: JS -> Maybe (String, JS)
collectHelper (JSAlloc fun (Just js@(JSFunction _ body)))
| fun /= "main" && nonRecur fun body = Just (fun, js)
collectHelper _ = Nothing

nonRecur :: String -> JS -> Bool
nonRecur name body = countInvokations name body == 0
inline' :: JS -> JS
inline' (JSApp (JSIdent name) vals)
| name == fun =
let (js, phs) = insertPlaceHolders args body in
inline' $ foldr (uncurry jsSubst) js (zip phs vals)

inline' js = transformJS inline' js

countAll :: [JS] -> (String, JS) -> (Int, JS)
countAll js (name, fun) = (sum $ map (countInvokations name) js, fun)

countInvokations :: String -> JS -> Int
countInvokations name (JSApp (JSIdent ident) args)
| name == ident = 1 + (sum $ map (countInvokations name) args)
| otherwise = sum $ map (countInvokations name) args

countInvokations name (JSApp lhs rhs) =
countInvokations name lhs + (sum $ map (countInvokations name) rhs)

countInvokations name (JSFunction _ body) =
countInvokations name body

countInvokations name (JSSeq seq) =
sum $ map (countInvokations name) seq

countInvokations name (JSReturn ret) =
countInvokations name ret

countInvokations name (JSNew _ args) =
sum $ map (countInvokations name) args
insertPlaceHolders :: [String] -> JS -> (JS, [JS])
insertPlaceHolders args body = insertPlaceHolders' args body []
insertPlaceHolders' :: [String] -> JS -> [JS] -> (JS, [JS])
insertPlaceHolders' (a:as) body ph
| (body', ph') <- insertPlaceHolders' as body ph =
let phvar = JSIdent $ "__PH_" ++ show (length ph') in
(jsSubst (JSIdent a) phvar body', phvar : ph')

countInvokations name (JSOp _ lhs rhs) =
countInvokations name lhs + countInvokations name rhs
insertPlaceHolders' [] body ph = (body, ph)

countInvokations name (JSProj obj _) =
countInvokations name obj

countInvokations name (JSArray vals) =
sum $ map (countInvokations name) vals
nonRecur :: String -> JS -> Bool
nonRecur name body = countInvokations name body == 0

countInvokations name (JSAssign _ rhs) =
countInvokations name rhs

countInvokations name (JSAlloc _ (Just js)) =
countInvokations name js
countAll :: String -> [JS] -> Int
countAll name js = sum $ map (countInvokations name) js

countInvokations name (JSIndex lhs rhs) =
countInvokations name lhs + countInvokations name rhs

countInvokations name (JSCond conds) =
sum $ map (uncurry (+)) (
map (countInvokations name *** countInvokations name) conds
countInvokations :: String -> JS -> Int
countInvokations name = foldJS match (+) 0
match :: JS -> Int
match js
| JSApp (JSIdent ident) _ <- js
, name == ident = 1
| otherwise = 0

countInvokations name (JSTernary c t f) =
sum $ [ countInvokations name c
, countInvokations name t
, countInvokations name f

countInvokations name (JSParens js) =
countInvokations name js
reduceContinuations :: JS -> JS
reduceContinuations = transformJS reduceHelper
reduceHelper :: JS -> JS
reduceHelper (JSNew "__IDRRT__Cont" [JSFunction [] (
JSReturn js@(JSNew "__IDRRT__Cont" [JSFunction [] body])
)]) = js

countInvokations _ _ = 0
reduceHelper js = transformJS reduceHelper js

reduceConstant :: JS -> JS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,11 +866,12 @@ codegenJavaScript target definitions filename outputType = do
, initConstructors
, map removeAllocations
, elimDeadLoop
, inlineFunctions
, map elimDuplicateEvals
, map (optimizeEvalTailcalls ("__IDR__mEVAL0", "__IDRRT__EVALTC"))
, map (optimizeEvalTailcalls ("__IDR__mAPPLY0", "__IDRRT__APPLYTC"))
, map removeInstanceChecks
, inlineFunctions
, map reduceContinuations

Expand Down

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