CHEME 3130 Final Project Based on ACS Paper "Sequence Specific Modeling of E. coli Cell-Free Protein Synthesis"
The following is the Readme file for the original paper's repository:
Sequence specific constraint based model (ssFBA) for static stoichiometric models (SSM) written in the Julia programming language. SSM models were created with JuNQC-Generator ( The code uses the GLPK solver to solve the metabolic flux balance analysis program. The model is described in:
You can download this repository as a zip file, or clone or pull it by using the command (from the command-line):
$ git pull
$ git clone
Julia must be installed on your machine along with GLPK linear programming solver. Julia can be downloaded/installed on any platform. To install the GLPK program issue the command:
julia> Pkg.add("GLPK")
in the Julia REPL.
To run the model, first copy the files from the protein folder you wish to simulate and paste them into the Model
folder. Set the directory to the Model
folder and issue the command include("Solve.jl")
in the Julia REPL.
The Solve.jl
script has several user inputs available:
Variable | User Input | Description |
Case | 1 = Amino Acid Uptake & Synthesis, 2 = Amino Acid Uptake w/o Synthesis, 3 = Amino Acid Synthesis w/o Uptake | Set the case to simulate |
Promoter_model | 1 = T7 promoter model, 2 = P70a promoter model | Set the promoter model |
plasmid_concentration | default = 5, plasmid concentration is in nM | Set plasmid concentration of the protein of interest to be expressed |
The script gives several outputs:
Output | Description |
objective__value | The objective value of the reaction set to be optimized. The default is set to optimize the export of the protein of interest |
flux_array | The flux distribution throughout the network. The reaction index can be looked up in Debug.txt |
dual_array | Shadow cost |
uptake_array | Species array |
exit_flag | Status of glpk solver. Solution undefined = 1, solution is feasible = 2, problem has no feasible solution = 4, solution is optimal = 5 |
file | description |
DataDictionary.jl | Encodes the species and reaction bounds arrays and the objective array. Data is stored in a Julia dictionary type and can be accessed through the appropriate key. |
Debug.txt | List of reactions and species used to generate the model code. |
FluxDriver.jl | Julia interface with the GLPK solver. Users should NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVER edit this file. |
Include.jl | Encodes all the include statements for the project. Should be included at the top of top-level driver scripts. |
Network.dat | Stoichiometric array for the model. |
Solve.jl | Default top-level driver implementation. |
Bounds.jl | Updates the species and reaction bounds and sets the transcription and translation rates. |
TXTLDictionary.jl | Encodes the cell-free protein synthesis parameters. Data is stored in a Julia dictionary type and can be accessed through the appropriate key. |
Performance.jl | Evaluates the carbon yield, energy efficiency, and productivity of a protein of interest. |
Ensemble.jl | Generates an ensemble of solutions for a range of transcription and translation parameters |