Script to create files with the a number of universities in the desired format. Version 1.0, 2018/02/26
It uses LUBM to generate the data, Raptor rapper to transform to the desired format, and optionaly gzip, bzip2, or lzop to compress the output.
Usage ./ [OPTION]
-c, --compress compress the output in the desired format (gzip|bzip|lzop)
-f, --format output format (see rapper options, default 'ntriples')
-h, --help shows this help and exits
-i, --index starting index (see LUBM options, default '1')
-l, --lubm path to lubm folder (default '$HOME/lubm')
-n, --number number of files to generate (default '1')
-o, --onto namespace of the ontology (see LUBM options, default '')
-O, --output output folder
-p, --parallel run rapper in parallel
-t, --temp temp folder to store files generated by LUBM (default '/tmp')
-u, --univ number of universities per file (see LUBM options, default '1')
-v, --verbose Verbose output (includes output from LUBM and raptor rapper)
./ -u 1000 -n 8 -t .
generates 8 files with 1000 universities each, starting by University 1 in n-triples format, using current folder for temporary files (1st file contains universities 1-1000, 2nd file universities 1001-2000, and so on).