Run a game of life in your terminal.
npm ci
npm start
npm start -- --help
To randomly generate a game on a 20x20 grid, run
npm start -- -r -h 20 -w 20
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--tickLength, -t Duration to show each evolution of the game for [number]
--liveGlyph, -l Character(s) to show for each live cell [string]
--deadGlyph, -d Character(s) to show for each dead cell [string]
--random, -r Start with a randomly generated state [boolean]
--width, -w How many cells wide to make a random state (see --random)
--height, -h How many cells high to make a random state (see --random)
To do some TDD: npm run testwatch
To learn about Game of Life, here's the Wikipedia page.