- Overview
- Module Description
- Setup
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Puppet module for managing/installing exhibitor for Apache zookeeper. Works with Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04, possibly other distros. Uses Apache Maven command line to download the artifacts.
This module includes a POM file for exhibitor and uses it as the configuration for a Maven build resulting in a .jar file in the installation directory. The configuration options available in the exhibitor config file exhibitor.properties can be passed through from the manifest calling the class.
class { 'exhibitor':
servers => ['zk-00-01.domain.com', 'zk-00-02.domain.com'],
* /etc/default/exhibitor
* /etc/init.d/exhibitor
* $install_dir/exhibitor.properties
* $install_dir/exhibitor-stndalone-${version}.jar
exhibitor requires a list of servers, although it will default to 'localhost' for a standalone
class { 'exhibitor':
servers => ['zk-00-01.domain.com', 'zk-00-02.domain.com'],
Although you may want to modify the defaults for exhibitor.properties, you should set your own preferences for these
settings based on your zookeeper installation(s):
exhibitor version $version = '1.5.5',
exhibitor install dir $install_dir = '/opt/exhibitor',
exhibitor conf dir $conf_dir = '/etc/exhibitor',
other exhibitor servers to monitor $servers = ['localhost'],
/etc/default/exhibitor settings $defaultfile_opts = {
'port' => '8080',
'configtype' => 'file',
'fsconfigdir' => '/opt/exhibitor',
'hostname' => $::fqdn,
zookeeper settings
$zk_data_dir = '/mnt/zookeeper/data',
$zk_log_dir = '/mnt/zookeeper/log',
$zk_install_dir = '/usr/share/zookeeper'
manifests: init.pp install.pp, config.pp, service.pp
only tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 so far
please contribute!