Releases: jnull/hassio-telegraf
Releases · jnull/hassio-telegraf
Updated Paths for Service.d Scripts
Updated Typed.db
Updated typed.db for collectd. ALso fixed config, where additional spaces where set for influxdb username and password.
Enabled AppArmor
also exposed container ports
Version Bump, AppArmor patch
patch apparmor for network access
Finalized Automated Versioning
Completed automated versioning for build and deploy process. Stable release and updated path prepared.
Another Test for automated Versioning
yet another test
Testing automated Versioning
further testing automated versioning
Finishing Automated Versioning
Added automated versioning for build and config files
Automated Versioning
Added Automated Versioning in config
Added missing Vars in Config
Added missing optional Vars in Config to authenticate against Influxdb