Releases: joakimbits/normalize
Releases · joakimbits/normalize
v2.2.0 Bug Fixes and Improvements
$ make audit
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-99F7n08vXuE7k7RL1awjlwvc2tD3v prompted 4379 -> completed 162:
Release Summary:
- Compile .cc files as C++.
- Better slides to make it easier to get started.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong review command appeared in the audit prompt.
- Fixed a bug where the $ prefix was included in copied commands.
- Fixed a bug where the software attempted to delete installed package files.
- Fixed a bug related to the wslpath command and invalid arguments.
- Upgraded pip after upgrading venv.
- Fixed a bug related to multiple bringup rules for
- Fixed a bug where there was an invalid request in
Release Title: Bug Fixes and Improvements
New Version: v2.2.0
Command: git tag -m "v2.2.0 Bug Fixes and Improvements" v2.2.0
# file:///C:/home/joakim/normalize/build/audit.diff v2.1.0 WORKAROUND: gpt-3.5 has 'Too Many Requests' on first request --> Makefile 3a69d05 Compile .cc as C++
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
v2.1.0 Bug Fixes and Test Upgrades
$ make audit
Compressing -:(another 84 lines dropped here)
Compressing -:(another 2 lines dropped here)
Retrying after compressing +:(another 105 lines added here)
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-96wzF75ydk8rdzocWzrij2bV2BJEW prompted 15139 -> completed 106:
Release Summary:
- Upgraded tests on GitHub
- Fixed bug where subproject changes were included in the main project review/audit
- Added workaround for 'Too Many Requests' error with large prompts
- Improved makefile messages and default make targets
- Fixed bugs related to missing files and slides
Release Title: Bug Fixes and Test Upgrades
New Version: 2.1.0
Command: git tag -m "2.1.0 Bug Fixes and Test Upgrades" 2.1.0
# file:///C:/Users/joakimpettersson/dev/normalize/build/audit.diff v2.0.0 Upgrade tests on github --> Makefile a948a51 WORKAROUND: gpt-3.5 has 'Too Many Requests' on first request
What's Changed
- Focus on main project by @joakimbits in #4
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
v2.0.0 Support arbitrarily nested and large projects on any OS
$ make audit
Compressing -:(another 267 lines dropped here)
Compressing -:(another 9 lines added here)
Retrying after compressing -:(another 8 lines added here)
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-934TwboYOXf8hLagnVO8LAzyWrClZ prompted 16317 -> completed 69:
Release title: Improvements for project support and bug fixes
Release summary:
- Support arbitrarily nested projects on any OS
- Improve help message for python executables
- Fix bug with context length exceeded during audit with gpt-3.5
- Support any OS, CPU, and PYTHON
# file:///home/runner/work/normalize/normalize/build/audit.diff v1.0.1 BUG: Nonlocal path in local documentation --> 0778237 Upgrade tests on github
What's Changed
- Better Mac and WSL support by @joakimbits in #1
- Support arbitrarily nested projects on any OS by @joakimbits in #3
New Contributors
- @joakimbits made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v2.0.0
v1.2.1 Improved help message
$ make audit
Retrying after compressing -:(another 20 lines dropped here)
Retrying after compressing -:(another 3 lines dropped here)
Waiting 11.469s for gpt-3.5-turbo-16k to accept new requests
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-92aASKBHHmnEGEcfxdaY3GNLsNWy7 prompted 16347 -> completed 39:
Release Summary:
- Improved help message
- Added example2 sub-project
- Used _ instead of dir as the parent directory name
- Added a brief function
- Updated help message to use
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
v1.2.0 Bug Fixes and New Examples
$ make audit
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-92K2daDtbKgn1dQGn09A4TjO2YDqz prompted 2586 -> completed 115:
Release Summary:
- Bug Fix: Previous release message sneaks into new release message during audit. Clarified that the old release message belongs to the old release.
- Bug Fix: Too long release tag message generated during audit. Changed from multiline to a single line release tag message.
- Added typical C programming example.
- Added better name for python example.
Release Title: Bug Fixes and New Examples
New Version: v1.2.0
Command: git tag -m "v1.2.0 Bug Fixes and New Examples" v1.2.0
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
v1.1.0 Support for Mac and Arm OS
$ make audit
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-92HS2gPhYKMctws7snie3x6pxg9nf prompted 849 -> completed 156:
Release Summary:
- Added support for Mac by using a local worktree and installing dependencies (homebrew, realpath, pandoc, jq)
- Enabled compilation with all warnings enabled
- Fixed an issue with fonts not getting installed on Mac
- Dropped assembly tests to support Arm OS
Release Title: Support for Mac and Arm OS
New Version: v1.1.0
Command: git tag -m "v1.1.0 Support for Mac and Arm OS\n\nAdded support for Mac by using a local worktree and installing dependencies (homebrew, realpath, pandoc, jq). Enabled compilation with all warnings enabled. Fixed an issue with fonts not getting installed on Mac. Dropped assembly tests to support Arm OS." v1.1.0
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
Support review and audit of a new project
$ make audit
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-9056V14W0ofApFZzS028kYWzAbc47 prompted 2292 -> completed 139:
Release Summary for Version 1.0.2:
- Fixed a bug where the project couldn't be reviewed if it didn't exist
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
Support latest ruff
$ make audit
$ gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-8zh6j6Jf6DUc9cRfGSvHkiUAlADdP prompted 15292 -> completed 226:
Release Summary for Version 1.0.1:
- Supported ruff v0.1.8 by removing an obsolete format.
- Fixed bugs and improved the audit process by testing the sub-project before the main report, making the gfm without a latex installation, and testing the new and prompt
- Improved the audit process by removing color codes from the review.
- Fixed bugs related to missing dependencies by installing requests in every local venv and changing the shebang in to use the local venv.
- Supported python modules without dependencies by building a dummy recipe if the --dep option is missing, using a local path prefix inside the local project, and correcting the name in the dummy bringup target.
- Supported testing with history by checking out the history as well.
- Improved the review process by printing a list of files changed since the last commit in the review and printing the used commands in the review.
This release includes updates and bug fixes to ensure a smoother and more efficient software development process.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
Automatic audit of large projects
example$ make audit
python3 -m makemake --prompt build/prompt gpt-3.5-turbo-16k 0.7 fx-ZyOYgw6hQnfZ5Shey79vG3OyoxSWtuyB30oAOhe3M33ofaPj
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613 chat.completion chatcmpl-7sdXiOKcrXDy4o3Vs9O4te3kaE1jr prompted 2594 -> completed 322:
Release Summary:
Version: v1.0.0
Release Notes:
- Builder refactorings:
- Uppercase build variable names.
- More explicit variable names.
- Define all list variables before first rule.
- Use a separate line for each source type added to a list.
- Builder changes:
- Only review local commits and changes.
- Do not number source code lines.
- Collapse unchanged parts, sections, and paragraphs.
- Remove full report from review context.
- Remove path prefixes in the report.
- Make changes from change_comments and project_changes.
- Main project:
- Track sub-project project_changes.
- Do not track other sub-project review targets.
- Example project:
- List review targets in example/Makefile.
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v1.0.0
Remove document styling from review
Change from latex-enabled markdown to a simpler GitHub Flavored Markdown (.gfm).
Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2