Simple Virtual TableTop Display - Demo Here
- SVTD is a WIP Virtual TableTop Display to use in your RPG sessions!
- Parallax (Moving Background), Background, Layers e Region Reveals.
- Box Sizes (With Defaults);
- Save / Load Config Files (AKA Projects);
Update (26/10/2023):
- External Control Panel with move commands;
- Video -> WIP;
Update (13/10/2023):
- Animations implemented;
- External Control Panel implemented;
- Video -> WIP;
Update (14/08/2023):
- Animations -> WIP;
- Code review;
Update (30/07/2023):
- Commands as Menu reorganized;
- External Control Panel implemented (Animations WIP);
- Layer editor enhanced;
- Code review;
Update (10/07/2023):
- Commands grouped as Menu;
- External Control Panel - WIP;
- Code review;
Update (08/07/2023):
- Layers enhanced;
- Map Reveal Items implemented;
- Global Show (Manual Fade) implemented;
- Code review;
Update (04/07/2023):
- File Organization;
- Layers (Above Background) implemented;
- Animations - WIP;
Update (02/07/2023):
- Copy JS and CSS to separated file;
- Parallax (One Layer below Background) implemented;
- Layers (Above Background) -> WIP;
Update (29/06/2023):
- Change Open/Save Config Files to better mode;
- File Organization;
- Commands and Buttons Organization;