A from-scratch implementation of a feedforward neural network. Written in Python with NumPy.
Run this test to train a neural net on the MNIST database.
Create and train a network using:
net = neural_net.Network([input_layer_size, hidden_layer_one_size, ..., output_layer_size])
net.train(training_inputs, training_outputs, epochs, batch_size, learning_rate, test_inputs, test_outputs)
Where training_inputs
is a numpy ndarray of dimensions [training set size, input layer size, 1], and
is a list of numpy ndarrays of dimensions [output layer size, 1].
and test_outputs
are optional. If specified, they are used to evaluate and print the performance of the
network after each epoch.
Evaluate the network against a test set:
net.percentage_correct(test_inputs, test_outputs)
Classify new samples using the trained network with:
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