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Releases: joemck/ExtractMotionPhotos

Support file extensions .jpeg and .heic in addition to .jpg

06 Sep 07:18
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2.2 just changes how file extensions are handled. It SHOULD now work on HEIC images without first renaming to .jpg.

Preserve timestamps

20 Dec 03:36
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This release now copies the creation and last modification timestamps of the original file to the extracted files. It also adds a new command line option, -r, which renames the original file to ${FILENAME}_original and doesn't append anything to the names of the extracted files. It can be combined with the existing -d flag to delete the original too, leaving only the photo and video with the original name.

Multilanguage support!

21 Nov 09:04
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I've moved this from the old Gist to a repository since it has more files now, and a proper build process. Also new is quiet/batch operation (-q), delete original file in the same build as normal (-d), and a Chinese translation. Apart from that, it works exactly the same as the old one.