A simple, local database tool.
- One database = one table = one file.
- XML storage, for bigger databases you can opt into XMLDB (an SQLite wrapper)
- There is no schema. Fields (columns) are based on input data.
- Import from CSV, TSV, JSON, XLSX, XML or plain lists
- Export to XML, JSON, TXT, CSV, TSV, PHP, or a list of values
- Retrieve data from the command line, from an HTTP server or through JavaScript scripts
Create a database named "coffee":
$ db coffee
Import data:
$ db coffee import beans.csv
$ db coffee import beans.json
$ db coffee import beans.xlsx
$ db coffee import -s "bean,caffeine\nRobusta,2.5%"
$ db coffee import -s "{\"bean\":\"Robusta\",\"caffeine\":\"2.5%\"}"
Get all records:
$ db coffee as xml
$ db coffee as json
$ db coffee as txt
$ db coffee as csv
$ db coffee as csv --tabs
$ db coffee as tsv
$ db coffee as php
$ db coffee as php --short
$ db coffee as list
A built-in web server provides access through HTTP requests for use in local web apps.
$ db coffee serve
Serving coffee on http://localhost:7777
const coffee = "http://localhost:7777"
.then(result => result.json())
.then(records => /* do your thing */)
You can access and manipulate the database with JavaScript:
$ db people run script.js
for (let person of db.records) {
person.fullName = person.firstName + " " + person.lastName
delete person.firstName
delete person.lastName
let names = db.records.map(user => user.name).join("\n")
for (let item of folder("~/Downloads").items) {
if (item.extension == "pkg") {
let listing = shell("ls -la")
applescript('tell application "Finder" to activate')