- Pittsburgh, PA
- http://joeyespo.com
grip Public
Preview GitHub README.md files locally before committing them.
pytest-watch Public
Local continuous test runner with pytest and watchdog.
github-version-tags Public
Displays the latest version of a project next to the repo name on GitHub.
django-q-email Public
Queues the sending of email with Django Q.
window-finder-control Public
A .NET control that behaves like the Spy++ window finder tool, allowing the user to select a top-level window by dragging a crosshair icon over it.
todos-app Public archive
Example mobile TODO app.
tabhouse Public
A web application that lets you find quality guitar tabs.
gunicorn Public
Forked from benoitc/gunicorngunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
Python Other UpdatedNov 26, 2020 -
autohotkey-scripts Public
My currently running AutoHotKey scripts.
sublimetext-console-exec Public
Run a Sublime Text command in a console window. Supports both Sublime Text 2 & 3.
upgrade-requirements.py Public
Upgrade all your outdated requirements.txt in a single command.
iwidgets.aggrenda.com Public
Renders Aggrenda widgets as images.
flask-pytest Public
Runs pytest in a background process when DEBUG is True.
The information website for Dr. Tad Parkhill.
todos-api Public archive
Example mobile TODO app.
django Public
Forked from django/djangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 9, 2019 -
py-impactjs Public
Implements a back-end server in Python for Impactjs that lets you develop multiple games at once. There's also a basic UI for browsing your games, creating new ones, and adding assets to your project.
whitenoise Public
Forked from evansd/whitenoiseRadically simplified static file serving for Python web apps
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 24, 2019 -
expo-phaser Public
Forked from expo/expo-phaserBuild awesome 2D games with Phaser.js and Expo
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2018 -
msgpack Public
Forked from msgpack/msgpackMessagePack is an extremely efficient object serialization library. It's like JSON, but very fast and small.
UpdatedMay 7, 2018 -
django-werkzeug Public
Enhances Django runserver with Werkzeug.
SublimePythonIDE Public
Forked from JulianEberius/SublimePythonIDEST3 only: A rewrite of SublimeRope for ST3, uses the Rope library to add python completions and refactoring to ST3
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMay 3, 2018 -
glance.py Public
Highlight stack traces so you can glance at your terminal instead of studying it.
envelope-cli Public
Thin API server and CLI tool to simplify single-page application development.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 18, 2018 -
TortoiseGit Public
Forked from TortoiseGit/TortoiseGitWindows Explorer Extension to Operate Git; Mirror of official repository https://tortoisegit.org/sourcecode
C++ UpdatedApr 17, 2018 -
inbox-by-gmail-checker Public
Displays the number of unread messages in Inbox by Gmail. You can also click the button to open your inbox.