A list of tools, papers and code related to Fake Audio Detection..
If you want to contribute to this list, welcome to send me a pull request or contact me :)
This repo only collect papers related to FAD.
Here is nothing about speech signal processing, speech synthesis, Speech Enhancement, data augmentation, voice conversion and speech edition. But learning them is beneficial to your research about FAD.
This repository will be actively maintained. If any work has not been recorded, feel free to submit an issue.
- Audio Anti-Spoofing Detection: A Survey
- Audio Deepfake Detection: A Survey
- A Comprehensive Survey with Critical Analysis for Deepfake Speech Detection
- A Survey on Speech Deepfake Detection
- ASVspoof2015-2017-2019-2021: website
- partial spoof: paper dataset download
- wavefake: paper dataset download
- In-the-Wild: website paper dataset download
- APTLY website
⭐more datasets info can be found in this repo and this chinese blog
- ASVspoof: https://www.asvspoof.org/
asvspoof2021 baseline implementation
- Vision Graph Non-Contrastive Learning for Audio Deepfake Detection with Limited Labels may be submitted 2 trans
- Are audio DeepFake detection models polyglots? may be submitted 2 conference
- Neural Codec Source Tracing: Toward Comprehensive Attribution in Open-Set Condition may be submitted 2 conference
- CodecFake-Omni: A Large-Scale Codec-based Deepfake Speech Dataset may be submitted 2 TASLP
- Unmasking Deepfakes: Leveraging Augmentations and Features Variability for Deepfake Speech Detection submitted 2 speech communication
- What Does an Audio Deepfake Detector Focus on? A Study in the Time Domain. paper
- Generalizable Audio Deepfake Detection via Latent Space Refinement and Augmentation. paper
- 6KSFx Synth Dataset. paper
- Deepfake Detection of Singing Voices With Whisper Encodings. paper
- . paper
- SafeEar: Content Privacy-Preserving Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- Trident of Poseidon: A Generalized Approach for Detecting Deepfake Voices paper
- "Better Be Computer or I’m Dumb": A Large-Scale Evaluation of Humans as Audio Deepfake Detectors∗ paper
- Blind and Low Vision Individuals’ Detection of Audio Deepfakes paper
- Towards Proactive Protection against Unauthorized Speech Synthesis paper
- Region-Based Optimization in Continual Learning for Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- Improving Generalization for AI-Synthesized Voice Detection paper
- What to remember: Self-adaptive continual learning for audio deepfake detection paper
- Do You Remember? Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting for Fake Audio Detectionpaper
- I Can Hear You: Selective Robust Training for Deepfake Audio Detection dataset paper
- SpeechFake: A Large-Scale Multilingual Speech Deepfake Dataset Toward Cutting-Edge Speech Generation Methods dataset paper
- Contrastive Learning from Synthetic Audio Doppelgängers augmentation paper
interspeech website
- Anti-spoofing Ensembling Model: Dynamic Weight Allocation in Ensemble Models for Improved Voice Biometrics Security paper
- Spoof Diarization: ""What Spoofed When"" in Partially Spoofed Audio paper
- Spoofing Speech Detection by Modeling Local Spectro-Temporal and Long-term Dependency paper
- Improving Copy-Synthesis Anti-Spoofing Training Method with Rhythm and Speaker Perturbation paper
- Temporal-Channel Modeling in Multi-head Self-Attention for Synthetic Speech Detection paper
- Source Tracing of Audio Deepfake Systems paper
- How Do Neural Spoofing Countermeasures Detect Partially Spoofed Audio? paper
- Revisiting and Improving Scoring Fusion for Spoofing-aware Speaker Verification Using Compositional Data Analysis paper
- SecureSpectra: Safeguarding Digital Identity from Deep Fake Threats via Intelligent Signatures paper
- Interpretable Temporal Class Activation Representation for Audio Spoofing Detection paper
- DGPN: A Dual Graph Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Speech Spoofing Algorithm Recognition paper
- CodecFake: Enhancing Anti-Spoofing Models Against Deepfake Audios from Codec-Based Speech Synthesis Systems paper
- Spoofed Speech Detection with a Focus on Speaker Embedding paper
- Exploring Self-supervised Embeddings and Synthetic Data Augmentation for Robust Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- One-class learning with adaptive centroid shift for audio deepfake detection paper
- Towards generalisable and calibrated audio deepfake detection with self-supervised representations paper
- Singing Voice Graph Modeling for SingFake Detection paper
- Genuine-Focused Learning using Mask AutoEncoder for Generalized Fake Audio Detection paper
- Enhancing Partially Spoofed Audio Localization with Boundary-aware Attention Mechanism paper
- To what extent can ASV systems naturally defend against spoofing attacks? paper
- Balance, Multiple Augmentation, and Re-synthesis: A Triad Training Strategy for Enhanced Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- Speech Formants Integration for Generalized Detection of Synthetic Speech Spoofing Attacks paper
- Adapter Learning from Pre-trained Model for Robust Spoof Speech Detection paper
- Attentive Merging of Hidden Embeddings from Pre-trained Speech Model for Anti-spoofing Detection paper
- Codecfake: An Initial Dataset for Detecting LLM-based Deepfake Audio paper
- Frequency-mix Knowledge Distillation for Fake Speech Detection paper
- HarmoNet: Partial DeepFake Detection Network based on Multi-scale HarmoF0 Feature Fusion paper
- A New Approach to Voice Authenticity paper
- Prompt Tuning for Audio Deepfake Detection: Computationally Efficient Test-time Domain Adaptation with Limited Target Dataset paper
- Harder or Different? Understanding Generalization of Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- RawBMamba: End-to-End Bidirectional State Space Model for Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- Generalized Fake Audio Detection via Deep Stable Learning paper
- CtrSVDD: A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline Analysis for Controlled Singing Voice Deepfake Detection paper
- FakeSound: Deepfake General Audio Detection paper
2023 papers
- Robust Audio Anti-Spoofing with Fusion-Reconstruction Learning on Multi-Order Spectrograms paper
- Malafide: a novel adversarial convolutive noise attack against deepfake and spoofing detection systems paper
- How to Construct Perfect and Worse-than-Coin-Flip Spoofing Countermeasures: A Word of Warning on Shortcut Learning paper
- Spoofing Attacker Also Benefits from Self-Supervised Pretrained Model paper
- Towards single integrated spoofing-aware speaker verification embeddings paper
- DoubleDeceiver: Deceiving the Speaker Verification System Protected by Spoofing Countermeasures paper
- Speaker-Aware Anti-spoofing paper
- Range-Based Equal Error Rate for Spoof Localization paper
- A conformer-based classifier for variable-length utterance processing in anti-spoofing paper
- Multi-Dataset Co-Training with Sharpness-Aware Optimization for Audio Anti-spoofing paper
- Phase perturbation improves channel robustness for speech spoofing countermeasures paper
- Towards Attention-based Contrastive Learning for Audio Spoof Detection paper
- Synthetic Voice Spoofing Detection based on Feature Pyramid Conformer paper
- Robust audio anti-spoofing countermeasure with joint training of front-end and back-end models paper
ICASSP website
- Robust Spoof Speech Detection Based on Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation and Dynamic Convolution paper
- Can Large-Scale Vocoded Spoofed Data Improve Speech Spoofing Countermeasure with a Self-Supervised Front End? paper
- Frame-to-Utterance Convergence: A Spectra-Temporal Approach for Unified Spoofing Detection paper
- CPAUG: Refining Copy-Paste Augmentation for Speech Anti-Spoofing paper
- One-Class Knowledge Distillation for Spoofing Speech Detection paper
- An Efficient Temporary Deepfake Location Approach Based Embeddings for Partially Spoofed Audio Detection paper
- Selective Domain-Invariant Feature for Generalizable Deepfake Detection paper
- Multi-Scale Permutation Entropy for Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- A Green Learning Approach to Spoofed Speech Detection paper
- Spoofing Attack Augmentation: Can Differently-Trained Attack Models Improve Generalisation? paper
- Improving Short Utterance Anti-Spoofing with Aasist2 paper
- FSD: An Initial Chinese Dataset for Fake Song Detection paper
- A Robust Audio Deepfake Detection System via Multi-View Feature paper
- Audio Deepfake Detection With Self-Supervised Wavlm And Multi-Fusion Attentive Classifier paper
- Does Audio Deepfake Detection Rely on Artifacts? paper
- SingFake: Singing Voice Deepfake Detection paper
- VFD-Net: Vocoder Fingerprints Detection for Fake Audio paper
- HM-CONFORMER: A Conformer-Based Audio Deepfake Detection System with Hierarchical Pooling and Multi-Level Classification Token Aggregation Methods paper
- Learning From Yourself: A Self-Distillation Method for Fake Speech Detection paper
- Can spoofing countermeasure and speaker verification systems be jointly optimised?? paper
- Spoofed training data for speech spoofing countermeasure can be efficiently created using neural vocoders paper
- Phase-Aware Spoof Speech Detection Based on Res2Net with Phase Network paper
- Leveraging Positional-Related Local-Global Dependency for Synthetic Speech Detection paper
- Reliability Estimation for Synthetic Speech Detection paper
- One-class network leveraging spectro-temporal features for generalized synthetic speech detection paper
TASLP website
- ASSD: An AI-Synthesized Speech Detection Scheme Using Whisper Feature and Types Classification paper
- The Codecfake Dataset and Countermeasures for the Universally Detection of Deepfake Audio paper
- Generalizable Speech Spoofing Detection Against Silence Trimming With Data Augmentation and Multi-Task Meta-Learning paper
- Dual-Branch Knowledge Distillation for Noise-Robust Synthetic Speech Detection trash(this is personal)
- Compact Time-Domain Representation for Logical Access Spoofed Audio paper
- The PartialSpoof Database and Countermeasures for the Detection of Short Fake Speech Segments Embedded in an Utterance paper
- ASVspoof 2021: Towards Spoofed and Deepfake Speech Detection in the Wild paper
- The Impact of Silence on Speech Anti-Spoofing paper
- Generalized Voice Spoofing Detection via Integral Knowledge Amalgamation paper
- Device Features Based on Linear Transformation With Parallel Training Data for Replay Speech Detection paper
- Robustness of Speech Spoofing Detectors Against Adversarial Post-Processing of Voice Conversion paper
- Modified Magnitude-Phase Spectrum Information for Spoofing Detection paper
- Optimizing Tandem Speaker Verification and Anti-Spoofing Systems paper
TIFS website
- On Joint Optimization of Automatic Speaker Verification and Anti-Spoofing in the Embedding Space paper
- Domain Generalization via Aggregation and Separation for Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- Audio Multi-View Spoofing Detection Framework Based on Audio-Text-Emotion Correlations paper
SPL website
- One-Class Learning Towards Synthetic Voice Spoofing Detection paper
- Synthetic Speech Detection Based on Local Autoregression and Variance Statistics paper
- The Role of Long-Term Dependency in Synthetic Speech Detection paper
- Comparative Analysis of ASV Spoofing Countermeasures: Evaluating Res2Net-Based Approaches paper
- Discriminative Frequency Information Learning for End-to-End Speech Anti-Spoofing paper
- End-to-End Dual-Branch Network Towards Synthetic Speech Detection paper
- Towards End-to-End Synthetic Speech Detection paper
- Synthetic Speech Detection Based on the Temporal Consistency of Speaker Features paper
- Multi-Level Information Aggregation Based Graph Attention Networks Towards Fake Speech Detection paper
- Coarse-to-Fine Proposal Refinement Framework for Audio Temporal Forgery Detection and Localization paper
- Audio Deepfake Detection with Self-Supervised XLS-R and SLS Classifier paper
- How to Boost Anti-Spoofing with X-Vectors paper
- Investigating Active-Learning-Based Training Data Selection for Speech Spoofing Countermeasure paper
- The Clever Hans Effect in Voice Spoofing Detection paper
- Fixing Domain Bias for Generalized Deepfake Detection paper
- Learning to Listen and Listening to Learn: Spoofed Audio Detection Through Linguistic Data Augmentation paper
- RawSpectrogram: On the Way to Effective Streaming Speech Anti-Spoofing paper
- Automatic speaker verification spoofing and deepfake detection using wav2vec 2.0 and data augmentation paper
- Experimental Case Study of Self-Supervised Learning for Voice Spoofing Detection paper
- Investigating Self-Supervised Front Ends for Speech Spoofing Countermeasures paper
- Investigating Active-Learning-Based Training Data Selection for Speech Spoofing Countermeasure paper
- SLIM: Style-Linguistics Mismatch Model for Generalized Audio Deepfake Detection paper
- Audio Deepfake Detection with Self-Supervised XLS-R and SLS Classifier paper
- Your Out-of-Distribution Detection Method is Not Robust! paper code
- Watermarking for Out-of-distribution Detection paper code