crocodoc-java is a Java wrapper for the Crocodoc API. The Crocodoc API lets you upload documents and then generate secure and customized viewing sessions for them. Our API is based on REST principles and generally returns JSON encoded responses, and in Java are converted to Maps and Lists unless otherwise noted.
First, get the library. You can download the JAR here:
Add crocodoc.jar to your classpath.
You can see a number of examples on how to use this library in These examples are interactive and you can run this file to see crocodoc-java in action.
To run these examples, download the source, open up and change this line to show your API token:
public static String apiToken = "YOUR_API_TOKEN";
Save the file, make sure the example-files directory is writeable, and then run
You should see 15 examples run with output. You can inspect the code to see each API call being used.
To start using crocodoc-java in your code, instantiate the Crocodoc API library:
Read on to find out more how to use crocodoc-java. You can also find more detailed information about our API here:
Errors are handled by throwing exceptions. We throw instances of CrocodocException.
Note that any Crocodoc API call can throw an exception. When making API calls, put them in a try/catch block. You can see to see working code for each method using try/catch blocks.
These methods allow you to upload, check the status of, and delete documents.
To upload a document, use CrocodocDocument.upload().
Pass in a url (as a string) or a file resource object.
This function returns a UUID of the file.
// with a url
String uuid = CrocodocDocument.upload(url);
// with a file
File file = new File(filePath);
String uuid = CrocodocDocument.upload(file);
To check the status of a document, use CrocodocDocument.status().
Pass in the UUID of the file you want to check the status of.
This function returns a map containing a "status" string" and a "viewable" boolean.
If you passed in a list instead of a string, this function returns a list of maps containing the status for each file.
// status contains status.get("status") and status.get("viewable")
Map<String, Object> status = CrocodocDocument.status(uuid);
// statuses contains a list of status maps
ArrayList<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> statuses = CrocodocDocument.status(uuids);
To delete a document, use CrocodocDocument.delete().
Pass in the UUID of the file you want to delete.
This function returns a boolean of whether the document was successfully deleted or not.
Boolean deleted = CrocodocDocument.delete(uuid);
These methods allow you to download documents from Crocodoc in different ways. You can download originals, PDFs, extracted text, and thumbnails.
To download a document, use CrocodocDownload.document().
Pass in the uuid,
an optional boolean of whether or not the file should be downloaded as a PDF,
an optional boolean or whether or not the file should be annotated,
and an optional filter string.
This function returns an HttpEntity of the file contents, which you probably want to save to a file.
// with no optional arguments
HttpEntity fileContent = CrocodocDownload.document(uuid);
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
// with all optional arguments
HttpEntity fileContent = CrocodocDownload.document(uuid, true, true, "all");
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
To download a thumbnail, use CrocodocDownload.thumbnail().
Pass in the uuid and optionally the width and height.
This function returns an HttpEntity of the file contents, which you probably want to save to a file.
// with no optional size arguments
HttpEntity fileContent = CrocodocDownload.thumbnail(uuid);
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
// with optional size arguments (width 77, height 100)
HttpEntity fileContent = CrocodocDownload.thumbnail(uuid, 77, 100);
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
To download extracted text from a document, use CrocodocDownload.text().
Pass in the uuid.
This function returns an HttpEntity of the extracted text, which you probably want to save to a file.
HttpEntity fileContent = CrocodocDownload.text(uuid);
FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(filename);
You can also get the text as a string:
HttpEntity fileContent = CrocodocDownload.text(uuid);
String text = fileContent.getContent().toString();
The session method allows you to create a session for viewing documents in a secure manner.
To get a session key, use CrocodocSession.create().
Pass in the uuid and optionally a params map.
The params map can contain an "isEditable" boolean,
a "userInfo" map with "id" and "name" fields,
and booleans for "isAdmin", "isDownloadable", "isCopyprotected", and "isDemo".
This function returns a session key.
// without optional params
String sessionKey = CrocodocSession.create(uuid);
// with optional params
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("isEditable", true);
Map<String, Object> userParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
userParams.put("id", 1);
userParams.put("name", "John Crocodile");
params.put("user", userParams);
params.put("filter", "all");
params.put("isAdmin", true);
params.put("isDownloadable", true);
params.put("isCopyprotected", false);
params.put("isDemo", false);
params.put("sidebar", "visible");
String sessionKey = CrocodocSession.create(uuid, params);
Please use github's issue tracker for API library support.