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Nolo is an ecommerce mobile application built in Android Studio with Java for Software Engineering Design II (SE306)

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Repository files navigation


An ecommerce mobile application build in Android Studio with Java for Software Engineering Design II (SE306)

Promotional video:

Commit conventions

Please use the following convention when creating commits [type]: [msg]

feat - for new features

fix- for bug fixes

test- for creating tests

style - for stylistic changes

doc - for documentation

refactor - for refactoring the codebase

Use of branches

Refer to the Azure board for tickets. Branch off main with your associated ticket. Name your branch as AB#XXX_some-ticket-name where XXX is the ticket number. Ensure all branches are merged back into main via pull requests, approved by all other team members.

Package structure


├── ...
├── app/src
│       ├── ...
|       ├── main
|       |       ├── ...
|       |       ├── java/com/example/nolo 
|       |       |        ├── ...
|       |       |        ├── activities            #all full screen UI elements
|       |       |        ├── enums                 #enumerations
|       |       |        ├── fragments             #all partial screen elements, including bottom nav fragments
|       |       |        ├── viewmodels            #associated view models to activities + fragments
|       |       |        ├── dataprovider          #for loading data to firebase
|       |       |        ├── entities              #entity representation
|       |       |        ├── interactors           #domain level use cases to interface view models and repo
|       |       |        ├── repositories          #for firebase interaction
|       |       |        ├── util                  #for utility methods used across the application to reduce redundancy
|       |       |        ├── adaptors              #to house adaptors which map dynamically sized lists of data to ListView/RecyclerViews
|       |       |        └── ...
|       |       ├── res 
|       |       |     ├── ...
|       |       |     ├── drawable                 #all image assets and icons, as well as associated selectors
|       |       |     ├── dimen                    #all dimension constants
|       |       |     ├── strings                  #all string constants
|       |       |     ├── layout                   #all layout xml files
|       |       |     ├── navigation               #navigation with bottom nav
|       |       |     ├── menu                     #bottom nav xml
|       |       |     ├── font                     #fonts
|       |       |     └── ...
|       |       └── ...
|       ├── androidTest/java/com/example/nolo      #integration tests
|       ├── test/java/com/example/nolo             #unit tests
|       └── ...
├── assets_raw                                     #for all processed assets not stored in `res` directly
└── ...


Testing is done with Integration Tests for each defined repository entity Entity specific methods (such as adding/removing from cart) are tested with Unit Tests. GitHub actions validate unit tests and successful builds


Nolo is an ecommerce mobile application built in Android Studio with Java for Software Engineering Design II (SE306)






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Contributors 3

