An ecommerce mobile application build in Android Studio with Java for Software Engineering Design II (SE306)
Promotional video:
Please use the following convention when creating commits [type]: [msg]
- for new features
- for bug fixes
- for creating tests
- for stylistic changes
- for documentation
- for refactoring the codebase
Refer to the Azure board for tickets. Branch off main
with your associated ticket. Name your branch as AB#XXX_some-ticket-name
where XXX is the ticket number. Ensure all branches are merged back into main
via pull requests, approved by all other team members.
├── ...
├── app/src
│ ├── ...
| ├── main
| | ├── ...
| | ├── java/com/example/nolo
| | | ├── ...
| | | ├── activities #all full screen UI elements
| | | ├── enums #enumerations
| | | ├── fragments #all partial screen elements, including bottom nav fragments
| | | ├── viewmodels #associated view models to activities + fragments
| | | ├── dataprovider #for loading data to firebase
| | | ├── entities #entity representation
| | | ├── interactors #domain level use cases to interface view models and repo
| | | ├── repositories #for firebase interaction
| | | ├── util #for utility methods used across the application to reduce redundancy
| | | ├── adaptors #to house adaptors which map dynamically sized lists of data to ListView/RecyclerViews
| | | └── ...
| | ├── res
| | | ├── ...
| | | ├── drawable #all image assets and icons, as well as associated selectors
| | | ├── dimen #all dimension constants
| | | ├── strings #all string constants
| | | ├── layout #all layout xml files
| | | ├── navigation #navigation with bottom nav
| | | ├── menu #bottom nav xml
| | | ├── font #fonts
| | | └── ...
| | └── ...
| ├── androidTest/java/com/example/nolo #integration tests
| ├── test/java/com/example/nolo #unit tests
| └── ...
├── assets_raw #for all processed assets not stored in `res` directly
└── ...
Testing is done with Integration Tests for each defined repository entity Entity specific methods (such as adding/removing from cart) are tested with Unit Tests. GitHub actions validate unit tests and successful builds