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test: hi

test: hi #47

Workflow file for this run

name: Check for New TypeScript Errors
- main
- test-action
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Fetch branches
run: git fetch origin ${{ github.base_ref }}:${{ github.base_ref }} ${{ github.head_ref }}:${{ github.head_ref }}
- name: Extract target branch name
run: |
branch=${{ github.base_ref }}
branch=${branch//\//} # This removes all slashes from the branch name
echo "branch=${branch}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
id: extract_branch
- name: Checkout base branch
run: git checkout ${{ github.base_ref }}
- name: Check for tsc_output.txt in base branch
id: check_tsc_output
run: |
if git show ${GITHUB_SHA}:${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}/tsc_output.txt >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "tsc_output.txt found in base branch"
cp tsc_output.txt base-tsc-errors.txt
echo "tsc_output_exists=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "tsc_output.txt not found in base branch"
echo "tsc_output_exists=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Install dependencies for base branch
if: env.tsc_output_exists == 'false'
uses: ./.github/actions/setup
- name: Generate base branch tsc output
if: env.tsc_output_exists == 'false'
run: |
echo "Running tsc"
npx tsc --noEmit --pretty false --p tsconfig.json 2> base-tsc-output.txt || true
- name: Extract errors from base branch
run: |
grep -oE '^[^ ]+.ts:[0-9]+:[0-9]+' base-tsc-output.txt | sort -u > base-tsc-errors.txt || { echo 'grep command failed'; exit 1; }
- name: Checkout PR branch
run: git checkout ${{ github.head_ref }}
- name: Install dependencies for PR branch
uses: ./.github/actions/setup
- name: Run tsc on PR branch
run: |
npx tsc --noEmit --pretty false --p tsconfig.json > head-tsc-output.txt || true
- name: Extract errors from PR branch
run: |
grep -oE '^[^ ]+.ts:[0-9]+:[0-9]+' head-tsc-output.txt | sort -u > head-tsc-errors.txt || { echo 'grep command failed'; exit 1; }
- name: Check both tsc outputs exist
run: |
if [ ! -f base-tsc-errors.txt ]; then
echo "Base errors file not found!"
exit 1
if [ ! -f head-tsc-errors.txt ]; then
echo "PR errors file not found!"
exit 1
- name: Print head-tsc-output.txt for debugging
run: |
cat head-tsc-output.txt
- name: Print head-tsc-errors.txt for debugging
run: |
cat head-tsc-errors.txt
- name: Print base-tsc-output.txt for debugging
run: |
cat base-tsc-output.txt
- name: Print base-tsc-errors.txt for debugging
run: |
cat base-tsc-errors.txt
- name: Compare base errors with PR errors
run: |
echo "Base branch TypeScript errors:"
cat base-tsc-errors.txt
echo "PR branch TypeScript errors:"
cat head-tsc-errors.txt
new_errors=$(comm -13 base-tsc-errors.txt head-tsc-errors.txt)
if [ -n "$new_errors" ]; then
echo "New TypeScript errors introduced:"
echo "$new_errors"
exit 1
echo "No new TypeScript errors introduced."