Client for feature toggle server
The feature toggle client has two methods
sendVariables(userId: String, variables: Map<String, Any>): Unit
isEnabled(featureToggleId: String, userId: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean
And it needs a configuration owl.toggle.client.server-url
with the url of the feature toggle server.
It's used to feed the server with variables that can be used to evaluate the rules. A common cenario of use it's to
call this method on every user login. The first parameter is the user id and the second one store the variables, it's is
of type Map<String, Any>
. Example of use:
class LoginController {
private val loginService: LoginService
private val featureToggleClient: FeatureToggleClient
constructor(loginService: LoginService, featureToggleClient: FeatureToggleClient) {
this.loginService = loginService
this.featureToggleClient = featureToggleClient
fun login(@RequestBody login: Login, @RequestHeader("client-version") version: Int): AccessToken {
val loginResponse = loginService.login(login.username, login.password)
if(loginResponse.success) {
featureToggleClient.sendVariables(login.username, mapOf("appVersion" to version))
return loginResponse.accessToken
throw InvalidCredentialsExcpetion()
It's were the magic happens! It's the method used to check if a feature toggle is enabled or disabled. It has 3 parameters, the first one is the feature toggle identification, the second is the user id and the third one is an optional parameter with a default value to return if the feature toggle doesn't exist. Example of use:
class TimelineService {
private val featureToggleClient: FeatureToggleClient
private const val FEATURE_TOGGLE_ID = "my_toggle"
constructor(featureToggleClient: FeatureToggleClient) {
this.featureToggleClient = featureToggleClient
fun doSomeWork(userId: String) {
if(featureToggleClient.isEnabled(FEATURE_TOGGLE_ID, userId, false)) {
} else {