This demo project is used to take temperature data, store it to a SD card and later send it onto a data centre when a satellite is within range. Written in Arduino C++ and deployed to an Arduino Uno Wifi v2. A read time clock is used on the data logging board to keep time.
Created 03/01/2022 by John Staveley for IoTNorth
File data/Prepas.txt will need to be regenerated with up to date Lat/Long and dates in order to accurately predict when the satellites will pass overhead. Or get this from their website: The Arduino IDE was used to develop this code and upload it to a board. When the code is first deployed, the time on the real time clock will be set, if a battery is present, it will keep time accurately.
If running the azure function locally, you need to put in a connection string for the IoTHub in your user secrets file. Take this from Azure Portal -> IoTHub -> Built in endpoints -> Event Hub compatible endpoint
In order to follow this demo project, you need the following hardware configured thus:
- USB 2 socket (provides sufficient power for Kineis board). Not USB1. Or battery capable of delivering 1Amp
- 1x Arduino Uno WiFi v2
- 1x Adafruit Assembled Data Logging shield for Arduino attached to SPI bus as follows:
- MOSI - pin 11
- MISO - pin 12
- CLK - pin 13
- CS - pin 4
- 1x SD card for the above
- 1x CR1220 coin battery for Real Time Clock on data logging shield
- 1x HW-498 Temperature sensor
- +ve pin to %v
- -ve pin to ground
- Signal pin to A0
- 1x HW-477 LED
- 1x Red LED attached to pin 7
- 1x Green LED attached to pin 6
- -ve connected to ground
- 1x Kineis shield v2
- Jumpers 1,7 set to Arduino
- Jumpers 2,3 set to STM32
Data Logger:
- Sometimes the RTC loses power and resets to the script time. This will cause the data to not be sent at the correct time. A redeploy will (usually) solve this.