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- feature - tablefiles - registered folders of tables are now pulled …
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
…recursively. i.e. If a table is in a subfolder then it will also be pulled.

- polish - tablefiles - "tbl roll" shortcut (non-ui version) now accepts registered table titles and basenames case-insensitively
  • Loading branch information
jon-heard committed Nov 4, 2022
1 parent b0e058f commit 49e712a
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 47 deletions.
145 changes: 98 additions & 47 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ This shortcut-file has a tutorial video available:
// The heading for a folder-table
const HEADING_FTABLE = "~folder~";

// Make a roll from 1 to max.
function roll(max) { return Math.trunc(Math.random() * max + 1); }

Expand All @@ -32,11 +35,89 @@ function removeTildeHeader(path)
return path.match("^(?:~.*~)?(.*)")[1];

function getTableFilesFromPath(path)
// Get the file object for the given path, early out if not available
const file = app.vault.fileMap[removeTildeHeader(path)];
if (!file) { return null; }

// Folder-tables MUST be folders and are just themselves
if (path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
if (!file.children) { return null; }
return [ file ];

// Path isn't a folder-table. If path is a file, just return itself
return [ file ];

// Path is a folder. Gather all the child files recursively.
result = [];
toRecurse = [ file ];
// Keep going while we have folders left to pull files from
while (toRecurse.length)
// Remove one of the folders in "toRecurse" to iterate over it
const beingRecursed = toRecurse.pop();

// Go over the children for the folder
for (const child of beingRecursed.children)
// If a file, just add it to the result list
if (!child.children)

// If a folder, add it to the "toRecurse" list to go over it later

return result;

function getAllTableFiles()
let result = [];

// Get the stored paths of tables, folders, folder-tables
const rawPaths = _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths;

// Iterate over the paths to get just the table paths
for (const path in rawPaths)
// Get all files associated with the current path
const tableFilesFromPath = getTableFilesFromPath(path);

// If path had no files, skip it
if (!tableFilesFromPath) { continue; }

// Add all files to the tablePaths (as their paths)
if (path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
result.push(HEADING_FTABLE + tableFilesFromPath[0]);
result = result.concat(tableFilesFromPath);

return result;

// Get the items associated with a table path and offset
async function getTableItems(path, offset)
// If the path is a file, the items are the lines in the file
if (!path.startsWith("~folder~"))
if (!path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
// Get the file object, or return an empty array if none
const file = app.vault.fileMap[path];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +157,7 @@ async function rollTable(

// Remember whether the tablePath is a folder, then remove any tilde header
const isFolderTable = tablePath.startsWith("~folder~");
const isFolderTable = tablePath.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE);
let baseTablePath = removeTildeHeader(tablePath);

// Get the file object for tablePath, or early out if it's invalid
Expand All @@ -101,7 +182,7 @@ async function rollTable(

// Reassign tablePath & baseTablePath from the file, in case ".md" was added
tablePath = (isFolderTable? "~folder~" : "") + file.path;
tablePath = (isFolderTable? HEADING_FTABLE : "") + file.path;
baseTablePath = file.path;

// If useConfig, set some of the parameters to the config saved for tablePath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +225,7 @@ async function rollTable(
{ tablePath, count, uniquePicks, format, useExpFormat, useConfig,
startOffset, itemFormat };

// Get the table items. Early out if no items.
// Get table items. No items? return null (this is valid response, not early out)
let items = await getTableItems(tablePath, startOffset);
if (!items.length) { return null; }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +428,7 @@ async function updateTableConfig(data)
data.configUi.startLine.value = tblLines[0] || "";

// Determine if the table is a files-table
const isFolderTable = data.selectUi.value.startsWith("~folder~");
const isFolderTable = data.selectUi.value.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE);

// Update the ui - startLine button enable-state, itemFormat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,7 +488,7 @@ function refreshTableListUi(data)
tableItemDatum.title = file?.basename || file?.name || "<Undefined>";

// If this is a folder table, include that in the title
if (tableItemDatum.path.startsWith("~folder~"))
if (tableItemDatum.path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
tableItemDatum.title += " (folder table)";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,25 +655,7 @@ confirmObjectPath("_inlineScripts.tablefiles.rollPopup",
// Row 2 of UI (select) //
let tablePaths = [];
const rawPaths = _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths;
for (const path in rawPaths)
const file = app.vault.fileMap[removeTildeHeader(path)];
if (!file) { continue; }
if (!file.children || path.startsWith("~folder~"))
for (const child of file.children)
if (child.children) { continue; }
let tablePaths = getAllTableFiles().map(v => v.path);;
if (tablePaths.length === 0)
resolveFnc("No table rolled. No tables available.\n\n");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1067,7 +1130,7 @@ if (!file || !file.children)

// Add the path to the table paths as a folder-table
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths["~folder~" + $1] = 1;
_inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths[HEADING_FTABLE + $1] = 1;

return expFormat("Folder-table __" + $1 + "__ added to table paths.");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1097,7 +1160,7 @@ for (const path of paths)
// Normal paths are just added. Folder-table paths are added with the tilde-
// header removed and a "folder table" suffix added.
!path.startsWith("~folder~") ?
!path.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE) ?
path :
removeTildeHeader(path) + " _(folder table)_");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1173,9 +1236,9 @@ const defaultParameters =
parameters = Object.assign({}, defaultParameters, parameters);

// Take the "isFolderTable" parameter and change the table path to match
if (!$1.startsWith("~folder~") && parameters.isfoldertable)
if (!$1.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE) && parameters.isfoldertable)
$1 = "~folder~" + $1;

// Try the $1 as a path, else try as table title, else try as table file basename,
Expand All @@ -1187,7 +1250,7 @@ if (!foundPath)
const barePath = removeTildeHeader($1);
const file =
app.vault.fileMap[barePath] || app.vault.fileMap[[barePath + ".md"]];
if (file && !!file.children === barePath.startsWith("~folder~"))
if (file && !!file.children === barePath.startsWith(HEADING_FTABLE))
foundPath = true;
Expand All @@ -1198,7 +1261,7 @@ if (!foundPath)
const configuration =
if (configuration.title === $1)
if ($1.toLowerCase() === configuration.title.toLowerCase())
$1 = key;
foundPath = true;
Expand All @@ -1208,27 +1271,15 @@ if (!foundPath)
if (!foundPath)
for (const path in _inlineScripts.state.sessionState.tablefiles.paths)
const tableFiles = getAllTableFiles();
for (const tableFile of tableFiles)
const file = app.vault.fileMap[path];
if (!file.children && file.basename === $1)
if ($1.toLowerCase() === tableFile.basename.toLowerCase())
$1 = file.path;
$1 = tableFile.path;
foundPath = true;
if (file.children)
for (const child of children)
if (child.basename === $1)
$1 = child.path;
foundPath = true;
if (!foundPath)
Expand Down

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