Add a word countdown to an element
Option | Type | Description | Default |
maxWords | int | Maximum number of words allowed in the element | 30 |
warningLevel1 | int | Number of words after which the first (lowest-level) warning is shown | 20 |
warningLevel2 | int | Number of words after which the second (mid-level) warning is shown | 25 |
overMaxClass | string | Class(es) added to the words remaining text element when the number of words is greater than maxWords | over-max |
warning1Class | string | Class(es) added to the words remaining text element when the number of words is greater than warningLevel1 | warning-1 |
warning2Class | string | Class(es) added to the words remaining text element when the number of words is greater than warningLevel2 | warning-2 |
template | string | Html added to hold the remaining words text | <p class="words-remaining-text">Words Remaining: <span class="words-remaining-value"></span></p> |
valueSelector | string | CSS/jQuery selector to select the words remaining value element from within the element defined by the option 'template' | span.words-remaining-value |
complete | function | Callback to run after setup is complete | null |