This project depends on MongoDB, NodeJS, NPM, bower and Gulp.
The finished folder contains the finished code for the application. The start folder contains the starting point. During the talk, I start at the starting point and work towards the finished product.
cd finished/backend
npm install
npm start
cd finished/ui
npm install
bower install
gulp serve
The app depends on a MongodB intsance running on port 27017. This app has only been tested with version 3.0.1. For the purpose of this project, no configuration is necessary. You can simply:
- download and extract the archive to a known locations (mongo_home)
- create a folder to store data (ie, <project_root>/datastore)
- run <mongo_home>/bin/mongod --dbpath=path/to/datastore
###Slides The slides depend on NPM, Bower and GruntJS.
To run the slides:
cd slides
npm install
bower install
grunt serve