Crossword Puzzle where user first decodes encrypted clues to the correct words in the puzzle
Project Summary This program uses a 2-D array to store characters which spell out words. Depending on which crossword "theme" the user selects, a different text file will be pulled with the correct word, its position in the matrix, the clue for the word, and an 'a' or 'd' for across or down. This information is then sorted into a vector of objects with each object being a different word with all of its properties. The setPos() function takes the string of the first character's position in the matrix and converts it to actually be placed on the matrix.
How to Run Program first prompts user for which puzzle to solve. Once the user selects a crossword "theme", the program will display an empty crossword with the different questions that help the user reveal which word to guess. If the user is stuck after having tried multiple guesses, an option for a hint will appear where the user will then be able to correctly answer the question.
Dependencies This program requires the inlcuded text file that holds the 'key' or all the information about the crossword puzzle.
System Requirements No system requirements
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Open issues/bugs Currently seg faulting when program tries to load all of the data from the file,