repo for Prisma Cloud Scripts leveraging published API
Iterate through all supported RQL config API Endpoints with suffix of choice to generate CSV of all resources that match critiera
- Define access_key & secret_key and pc_api_url in script to your Prisma Cloud Tenant
- Base RQL Statement - config from "cloud.resource where = [API ENDPOINT]
- Configurable RQL Suffix Example: [AND resource.status = Active AND json.rule='$.tags[*] size equals 0'"]
Will Create a Folder in format of "YYMMDD-HHMM" With two sub-folders (reports & rql_output)
reports will have the following:
- CSV of matched Resources with csv format of [#cloudtype, api_endpoint, id, accountId, name, accountName, regionId, regionName, service, resourceType]
- CSV of API Endpoint Stats Provides high level view of which endpoints produced the most resources and the RQL query for reference [#api_endpoint_id, cloudType, api_endpoint, resource_count, rql_query]
- JSON File of all Resources resources_json_file.json - All Resources in JSON Format
rql_output will have the following:
- rql_response_XXX.json API responses for each RQL executed for reference. XXX is the "api_endpoint_id"
- api_endpoints{csp}.json list of all the API endpoints for each CSP {aws, azure, gcp, oci & alibaba}
More Efficent Version to look at Cloud Resources without any Tag Value is located here -
Iterate through all supported RQL config API Endpoints looking for all active resources with defined key value pair of KVP_KEY:KVP_VALUE and then retrieve all alerts for resources matching key value pair
- Define PC_ACCESSKEY & PC_SECRETKEY and PC_APIURL in script to your Prisma Cloud Tenant
- Define KVP_KEY and KVP_VALUE
- For faster results prune csp_pfix_array to only CSP prefix that match your environment
- Define RESOURCE_TIME_AMOUNT and RESOURCE_TIME_UNIT as time which resources exisit (eg 24 hour or 7 day)
- Define ALERT_TIME_AMOUNT and ALERT_TIME_UNIT as time which alerts exisit (eg 24 hour or 7 day)
- If you want preserve the json outputs remove line 220 "rm -f ${JSON_OUTPUT_LOCATION}/*.json"
- Will Create a folder "output" and "output/json"
- Create file "all_cloud_resources_YYYYMMDD.csv" with all active resources matching key value pair
- Create file "cloud_resources_with_alerts_YYYYMMDD.csv" with alerts of all active resources matching key value pair
- Define access_key & secret_key and pc_api_url in script to your Prisma Cloud Tenant
Will create a single CSV with list of all data stores from accounts with Data Securty (view from Data Security Settings) enabled to allow for more advanced caluations
- Define access_key & secret_key and pc_api_url in script to your Prisma Cloud Tenant
- Define Time Unit & Time Intervals
Will create a summary CSV with totals of alerts of by time unit/interval and indivual .csv files for each time unit/interval/alert status.
Prisma Cloud Channel Resources
More Bash Scripts can be found here: Prisma Bash Toolbox