Environment Java JDK 1.7 Eclipse Luna Enterprise Edition Maven 3
Tested on both Linux and Windows
Go to src directory and open files in an editor/viewer of your choice
Note: source in com.igormaznitsa.* is a dependency from https://code.google.com/p/jhexed/
Execute the jar file with the following command (requires JRE 7+)
java -jar magicrealm-server.jar
Execute the jar file with the following command (requires JRE 7+). Each player should launch a client.
java -jar magicrealm-client.jar
Install JDK 1.7
Install Maven 3
in the root directory (directory of pom.xml) run the following command to generate the jar
mvn clean package
This will download the dependencies and compile the code. It will output the client and server jars in the target/ directory.