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Your Own Style Tests

Jon Wagner edited this page Feb 18, 2013 · 2 revisions

Your Own-Style Tests

Perhaps you don't like TDD- or BDD-Style Tests. You can make your own test framework with the Test-Case function.

In fact, TestFixture, TestCase, TestScope, Describing, Given, and It all just call Test-Case.

function Describing {
    Test-Case "Describing" @args @PSBoundParameters -Group

function Given {
    Test-Case "Given" @args @PSBoundParameters -Group

function It {
    Test-Case "It" @args @PSBoundParameters

Test-Case just defines a test block that is either a group or a case. It gets that from the -Group switch. The first parameter is just the name output to the test log so things look pretty. You could just as easily make a PowerShell test framework like this:

TestScript "script.ps1" {
	TestFunction "myfunction" {
		TestCase "does something" {

You can have Setup/TearDown in any test group. Setup/TearDown is automatically executed once per inner test context (i.e. inner group or inner case). You cannot have a Setup/TearDown in a test case. For that, just use try/finally.