PShould (pronounced "should" or "puh-should") is a fluent assertion module for Powershell.
PShould will validate a given assumption and throw an exception if the assumption is incorrect.
PShould is part of the PSST PowerShell Suite for Testing:
- PSMock - mocking for PowerShell
- PShould - fluent assertions for PowerShell
- PSate - test runner for PowerShell
Getting started:
Import-Module PShould
5 | should be 5
0 | should not be 1
0 | should not !be 1
0 | should ! be 1
(1,2) | should be (1,2)
(1,2) | should not be (3,4)
(1,2,3) | should not be (3,4)
@{a=1;b=2} | should be @{a=1;b=2}
@{a=1;b=2} | should not be @{a=1;b=3}
@{a=1;b=2} | should not be @{a=1;b=2;c=3}
5 | should equal 5
0 | should not equal 1
(1,2) | should equal (1,2)
(1,2) | should not equal (3,4)
(1,2,3) | should not equal (3,4)
(1,2) | should contain 1
(1,2) | should not contain 3
@{"a"=1;"b"=2} | should contain "b"
@{"a"=1;"b"=2} | should not contain 2
@{"a"=1;"b"=2} | should containall @("a","b")
@{"a"=1;"b"=2} | should containnone @(1, 2, "e")
"hi, bob" | should match 'bob$'
"hi, james" | should not match 'bob$'
"" | should be blank
"bob" | should not be blank
@() | should be empty
@(1) | should not be empty
$null | should be null
5 | should not be null
{ throw "whoops" } | should throw
{ throw "whoops" } | should throw -any
{ throw "whoops" } | should throw "whoops"
{ throw "whoops" } | should not throw "dang"
{ "hi" } | should not throw
"hi" | should { param($value) $value -eq 'hi' }
@(1,2) | should { param($value) $value[0] + $value[1] -eq 3 }
@(2,2) | should not { param($value) $value[0] + $value[1] -eq 5
1 | should be 1 and | should be 1
1 | should be 1 and | should not be 2
@() | should count 0
@(1) | should count 1
@(1,2) | should count 2
@(1,2) | should not count 1 and | should count 2
"pshould.psm1" | should exist
"notafile" | should not exist
"pshould.psm1" | should containcontent "should"
"pshould.psm1" | should not containcontent "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious$"
5 | should be -gt 4
5 | should be gt 4
5 | should be `> 4
See the PShould wiki for full documentation.
- Fluent syntax
- Full help at
Get-Help Should*
- Test based on conditionals
- Test throws with optional filtering
- And continuations
- Automatic array and hashtable validation at the element label
- -test option to return $true/$false instead of throwing an exception
A variety of ways:
- PSGet -
- Get PSGet
- Install-Module -nugetpackageid PShould
- PShould will be installed into as a global module
- NuGet -
- Install-Package PShould
- PShould will be installed into your current project
- GitHub - Download PShould.psm1
- Copy the file to your modules folder or a local folder
PShould was inspired by the great work by the Pester team, but has a totally different implementation now after a lot of rounds of coding...