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Testing for punctuated equilibrium in BEAST 2

The gamma spike model is a phylogenetic clock model for BEAST 2. This method tests for punctuated equilibrium, by assigning each branch a gradual clock-rate and an instaneaneous spike of abrupt evolution. The magnitudes of each branch rate and branch spike are independent and identically distributed.

The genetic distance of a branch takes the form:

distance = rate x length + spike

Advantages over other clock models:

  1. Accounts for the common scenario where evolution is accelerated at the time of branching.
  2. The hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium is tested during MCMC using model averaging.
  3. If the hypothesis is rejected, then MCMC falls back on the relaxed clock (ORC model).
  4. If the hypothesis is accepted, then the estimated tree is likely to be more accurate.
  5. In either case, the number of unobserved speciation events on each branch is also estimated (i.e., the stubs).

Warning: this package is still in prerelease.

Installation instructions

This package requires BEAST 2.7.7. or newer.

  1. Launch BEAUti
  2. Click on File -> Manage Packages
  3. Install gammaspike. If it is not in the list of packages, you may need to add an extra package repository as follows:

Setting up an analysis

  1. Launch BEAUti.

  2. Import data and set up site model, as per usual.

  3. Open the Clock Model tab and select Gamma Spike Relaxed Clock.

    • This will introduce the following parameters
      • The mean spike size GSMspikeMean (under a Gamma distribution). High mean = larger expected spike sizes.
      • The shape of spike sizes GSMspikeShape (Gamma distribution). High shape = smaller variance of spike sizes.
      • One spike for every branch in the tree, whose sizes are Gamma distributed under the prior.
      • The standard deviation GSMclockSD of branch rates under a gradual relaxed clock (for a LogNormal distribution). High standard deviation = higher variance of branch rates. Same meaning as relaxed clock / ORC model.
      • One rate for every branch in the tree, whose sizes are LogNormally distributed under the prior.
      • The clockRate in units of 'gradual changes per site per unit of time'. If there is no temporal information (e.g., tip dates, node calibrations) then leave this term fixed at 1.0.
      • A boolean model indicator GSMuseSpikeModel that determines whether the spikes are being used or not.

Setting up the clock model

  1. Open the Priors tab and select one of the following tree priors:
  • Birth Death Model With Stubs (BDWS) is the standard birth-death model when tip dates are not used. Parameters:
    • Birth rate BDWSBirthRate .
    • Reproduction number BDWSReproductionNumber, which is assumed to be greater than 1.
  • Fossilised Birth Death Model With Stubs (FBDWS) is the fossilised birth-death tree prior with serially sampled tip dates, sampled ancestors estimated, and the following parameters
    • Birth rate FBDWSBirthRate .
    • Reproduction number FBDWSReproductionNumber, which is assumed to be greater than 1.
    • Sampling proportion FBDWSsamplingProportion.

By using one of these priors, the number of stubs on each branch will be logged and inform the clock model spike sizes. If a stumped tree prior is not selected, the clock model will assume there are no stubs on any branch. Currently, stubs are only available for these two tree priors (and not coalescent or skyline for instance).

Setting up the tree prior

  1. Configure priors and save the XML file as per usual.


The total sum of spikes is estimated for each branch. The total spike sum Si on branch i follows a Gamma distribution under the prior:

Si ~ Gamma(shape=spikeShape*(ni + 1), scale=spikeMean/spikeShape)

where ni is the number of stubs on branch i. Longer branches and older branches usually have more stubs. The reported spike on each branch is the total sum of all ni + 1 spikes along that branch.

Then spikeMean is the average number of changes per site per bifurcation (which may be observed or unobserved). For example an average spike size of 0.01 means that 1% of all sites are expected to change (possibly back into the original state) at each bifurcation - one per internal node and one per stub. We examined 8 empirical datasets with support for punctuated equilibrium, and found that spikeMean estimates ranged from 0.001 to 0.07. The default prior for spikeMean is centered around this interval. This is an important parameter, and testing for sensitivity is recommended.

BEAST 2 will log the following terms onto the tree:

  • BDWSstubs or FBDWSstubs: number of stubs per branch (if using the appropriate tree prior).
  • GSMbranchRates: the relative branch rates (relaxed clock).
  • GSMweightedSpikes: the sum of all spikes along the branch (units: instantaneous changes per site along lineage).
  • rate: the total rate of the branch accounting for both gradual (branchRates) and abrupt (spike) evolution.

The following term will also be logged into the .log file:

  • GammaSpikeRelaxedClock.ProportionOfSaltation: the proportion of total change that can be attributed to abrupt bursts. This is equal to the total spike size across the whole tree divided by the total evolutionary distance across the tree. If this value is over 0.5, then more than half of the total evolution occurs at the time of branching.

Hypothesis testing

The useSpikeModel parameter can be used for hypothesis testing. When this parameter is 1, the spike model is being used, and when 0 the relaxed clock. Every dataset is different, with some strongly favouring one model over the other, and others being uncertain. This method is statistically consistent, meaning that adding more data will generally shift the support towards 0 or 1.

By default, the model indicator useSpikeModel has a Bernoulli(0.5) prior distribtuion, meaning that the spike model is a priori assumed to be correct with 0.5 probability. If the average value of useSpikeModel is over 0.91 (corresponding to a Bayes factor of 10 in this case) there is strong support in favour of punctuated equilibrium. Less than 0.09 probability is strong evidence against the model at this threshold.

Some parameters will have different estimates depending on the value of useSpikeModel, which may potentially result in a bimodal distribution, e.g., for spikeMean, spikeShape, likelihood, and clockRate. In this event, it makes more sense to report the estimate for the parameter conditional on the model. If there are few samples, one way to do this is by rerunning BEAST 2 with useSpikeModel fixed at 0 or 1. Providing estimates conditional on the model is especilaly important for spikeMean and spikeShape since they will be sampled from the prior when useSpikeModel=0.

What happens when model averaging cannot pick a single model?

When useSpikeModel is of an intermediate value, e.g., close to 0.5, this is the method's way of saying "I don't know if there is punctuated equilibrium." In this case, the posterior estimates are averaged across both possibilities, which is arguably more robust than just looking at one of the two models. Adding more data, such as longer sequences or more taxa, may also add further clarity here.

Looking at the broader picture, the Bayesian approach is capable of saying "I don't know", which is a perfectly valid answer. Contrast this with model selection via AIC or BIC, which selects a single model without reporting its probability relative to the other models. Also contrast this with ChatGPT, which invents knowledge when it does not know the answer.

Speeding up MCMC convergence

In most instances, we found this model converged reasonably well despite its large parameter space. But if this model is taking too long to converge, we recommend the following remedies:

  1. Try using Coupled MCMC, which is especially useful if the posterior distribtuion is multimodal.

  2. Try running separate analyses with useSpikeModel respectivley fixed at either 0 or 1. Unfortunately, this configuration does not enable hypothesis testing with Bayesian model averaging.

  3. In general, it is good practice to run multiple MCMC chains in parallel and confirm they have converged to the same distribution. If they did, then the chains can be combined, thereby expediting the process.

  4. Sometimes, the spikeMean parameter takes a long time to reach burn-in. One would expect this parameter to lie in the range of 0.0001 - 0.1 (substitutions per site per bifurcation), but during burn-in it can be much larger. To ease this issue, by default the parameter is assigned a conservative upper limit of 1.0, which seems to help. However, if burn-in is still slow, you could lower this limit even further by tweaking the spikeMean upper on BEAUti or in the xml file under: <parameter id="GSMspikeMean.c:data" spec="parameter.RealParameter" lower="0.0" name="stateNode" upper="1.0">0.01</parameter>. After reaching burn-in, you could then stop BEAST, restore/remove the upper limit, and then resume BEAST, making sure to discard the part of the chain that was sampled prior to resuming.

  5. To further improve runtime, consider installing BEAGLE, and if you have access to a GPU, try running with BEAGLE on a GPU. Both of these can make a considerable difference. See performance suggestions.

Example files

The examples directory contains:

  1. Three case studies in examples/cases/ that strongly favour the spike model. Note that these three templates were generated by hand and therefore cannot be opened by BEAUti.
  • aaRS.xml: Class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase amino acid sequences from Douglas et al. 2024. Approximate time to convergence: 1-5 days.
  • cephalopods.xml: Cephalopoda morphological traits from Whalen and Landman 2021. Approximate time to convergence: 1-5 days.
  • indoeuropean.xml: Indo-European cognate data from Heggarty et al. 2023. Approximate time to convergence: weeks. Takes several minutes for MCMC to initialise.
  1. The examples/DS/ directory contains other datasets that have varying levels of support for the spike model:
  • DS1, DS2, ..., DS11.xml: These eleven nucleotide datasets were collected by Whidden and Matsen 2015. Please refer to their article to find the respective references for each dataset.
  1. For developers: the examples/stubs/ directory contains XML files showing the three ways that stubs can be estimated. The three examples share a common tree that was simulated with birth rate 1.3, reproduction number 1.17, and sampling proportion 0.20. The true tree contains 20 extant taxa, 16 non-extant, and has a height of 6.53 and a length of 30.63. The three files below should all sample the same distribution despite their different parameter space.
  • rjStuvs.xml: the time and placement of each stub is estimated using reversible-jump MCMC. Note that special tree operators are required to handle stubs. This is the slowest at mixing.
  • nrStubs.xml: number of stubs on each lineage is estimated using MCMC, but their times are integrated out.
  • stochasticStubs.xml: the number of stubs on each lineage is sampled at the time of logging during MCMC, i.e., not as part of the state. This is the default setting, but less versatile than the other two. This is the fastest at mixing. Limitation: note that the number of stubs per-lineage is sampled at the time of logging. The number of stubs reported by the tree logger might not sum to the same value of nstubs reported by the trace logger. Both of these numbers are valid, but as the algorithm is stochastic, they will not be the same.


BEAST user forums

Jordan Douglas [email protected]


"Evolution is coupled with branching across many granularities of life". bioRxiv 2024.09.08.611933; doi: