Send out e-mails using Homey flows.
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If you wish to send through Gmail SMTP servers, you first need to allow less secure apps on Gmail via
Use your complete mail address as the username, as the SMTP server and SMTP port 587.
Version 0.2.4
- Support for new Homey 2.2.0 Image SDK
Version 0.2.3
- Improved settings page for Homey 2.0
Version 0.2.2
- Crash fix
Version 0.2.1
- Support for API sendmail
Version 0.2.0
- Support for official Homey image tokens
- Homey SDK v2 version
Version 0.1.6
- New action card for "textonly" email. This will support \n as linebreaks/newlines.
Version 0.1.5
- Now supports "Image tokens" (for example, the ones created by Synology Surveillance Station or ImageGrabber) in the new action card "Send Image Token"
Version 0.1.4
- Fixed previously introduced bug with use_credentials
Version 0.1.3
- Add option in settings to enable/disable authentication (Error: 503 AUTH command used when not advertised)
Version 0.1.2
- Settings page now has a 'Use encrypted connection' setting that you can use if your mail provider supports (or requires) it.
Version 0.1.1
- Initial release