This is a simple changelog over notable milestones for the NAIS-platform.
- We are rewitting Naisd to be a third-party app for Kubernetes, using the Kubernetes Operator toolset. Check out the naiserator repo for more info. It is possible to start using this now
- Deployment from Github directly to the Cluster, read more at navikt/deployment
- Added support for secure logs. See documentation for more
- Starting #nais-brukerforum again. Biweekly meeting, where we talk about NAIS
- More support for Redis as an individual instance, no more sentinels. Also support Redis-instances with passwords, see documentation for more
- Alerterator is released. A simple way to manage alerts/metrics. See documentation for more
- Our Kubernetes clusters are now open through the NAV-network or VPN! Just download the lateste kubeconfigs and get started.
- Upgraded Kubernetes to 1.12.3
- Upgraded Kubernetes to 1.11.5
- Changed security model from everyone has read/write to read everyting and write only on team-specific resources. See slack-message for what to do
- Added Vault by Hashicorp, which is a tool to manage secrets, see documentation for more
- Created a new service/bot for Slack, to help team arrange stand-up. Check out
- Added Redis operator to the platform, see documentation for more
- Added option for leader election, see documentation for more
- New service for creating ForgeRock AM config (Norwegian) in SBS or FSS, it's called Named (NAIS Access Management Extension)