before trying to clone the repo please install the needed dependencies
Arch repo: python-pywal rofi kitty dunst firefox ranger code alsa pacmixer backlight-git acpilight python-i3ipc lxsession
AUR: polybar compton-tryone-git nerd-fonts-complete ttf-google-sans ms-office-online whatsapp-nativefier-dark telegram-desktop spotify
minimal firefox
wal vscode
oh my zsh
I made this as a bare git repository so you can be able to clone directly to your home directory for mor info you can check
- set your alias in either your .zshrc o .bashrc
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- Add .cfg folder to .gitignore
echo ".cfg" >> .gitignore
- Clone the bare git repository
git clone --bare -b master $HOME/.cfg
4.Cloning might change the alias in your .bashrc or .zshrc if thats the case re add it
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
5.Checkout the current config
config checkout
after checking out you might find some errors because the file already exists, if thats the case you can back it up if you have anything important or just delete it, after removing conflicting files checkout again
6.Set the flag showUntrackedFiles to no
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- Copy the fonts inside the .config/polybar/fonts
# cp ~/.config/polybar/fonts/* /usr/share/fonts
After all the steps are done all configs shound be installed and as an extra you should be able to use git for the config files installed in home directory