Builds a completely self-contained container that runs CiviCRM Buildkit via MySQL, Apache, PHP and SSH. It manages services using runit.
The civicrm-buildkit directory is available on the host and in the container.
I prefer to do this with a Makefile, so it is repeatable, and I cache information not to be committed in files that are gitignored
To start all you need to do is create a directory for persistent data
mkdir /exports/civicrm
git clone
cd docker-civicrm-buildkit
then if you have a docker overlay network put it in NET (see NET.example)
Now we need the local-jessie docker image built locally, building locally means we can trust the thing much more than stuff downloaded by docker hub
To do this I have a script here which I split from the manual instrustions given by jmclelland
clone that directory and make jessie
and you should have our base i.e.
cd ~/git
cd local-debian
make jessie
Now we can clone this repo and get to work building civiCRM
cd ~/git
git clone
cd docker-civicrm-buildkit
next run the init
recipe, you will be prompted for the path to the directory you made above
make init
then use the grab
recipe to yank the persistent folders out of the initialization container and put them in your VOLUME that you chose earlier
make grab
Finally useFinally useFinally use run
recipe after that
make run
You now have a persistent CiviCRM
Note: this is not a normal Docker file that pulls an image from the Docker network. It's generally not a good idea to pull code blindly from the Internet.
Instead, create your own base image by running these commands AS ROOT (adjust the timezone if you want):
temp=$(mktemp -d)
apt-get install debootstrap
debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=apt-utils,less,vim,locales,libterm-readline-gnu-perl jessie "$temp"
echo "deb jessie/updates main" > "$temp/etc/apt/sources.list.d/security.list"
echo "deb jessie-updates main" > "$temp/etc/apt/sources.list.d/update.list"
echo "Upgrading"
chroot "$temp" apt-get update
chroot "$temp" apt-get -y dist-upgrade
# Make all servers America/New_York
echo "America/New_York" > "$temp/etc/timezone"
chroot "$temp" /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
echo "Importing into docker"
cd "$temp" && tar -c . | docker import - my-jessie
echo "Removing temp directory"
rm -rf "$temp"
For the remaining steps, I assume you are in the directory containing the Dockerfile.
Copy your ssh public key to your current directory:
cp ~/.ssh/ .
This file will be copied to the container's authorized_ids file so you can ssh in without a password.
Next, create the directory that will be mounted in the container and hold the buildkit data.
mkdir -p civicrm
Build the civicrm-buildkit image:
docker build -t civicrm-buildkit ./
Now, create the container and run it:
docker create -v "$(pwd)/civicrm:/var/www/civicrm" -e "DOCKER_UID=$UID" \
-p 2222:22 -p 8001:8001 --name civicrm-buildkit civicrm-buildkit
docker start civicrm-buildkit
You have full access to the civicrm-buildkit directory from the host so you can git pull and push as needed.
ssh into the container (
ssh -p 2222 www-data@localhost
) -
run all buildkit commands to create the sites you want:
amp test
(first test, should fail) -
sudo apache2ctl graceful
amp test
(second test, should pass) -
civibuild create mycivi --type drupal-clean --civi-ver 4.6 --url http://localhost:8001 --admin-pass admin
sudo apache2ctl graceful
Maintenance tasks
Destroy and start over:
civibuild create mycivi --force
Or... *
civibuild destroy mycivi
*civibuild create mycivi --type drupal-clean --civi-ver 4.6 --url http://localhost:8001 --admin-pass admin
Update civibuild code:
cd /var/www/civicrm/civicrmbuild-kit
git pull
More documentation available via git.
Then, work via your host computer:
- access your sites via a browser on your host computer (http://localhost:8001).
- modify code via your editor on your host computer via the civicrm-buildkit directory (look in civicrm-buildkit/build/mycivi)
- add git repositories, etc via your host computer