This repository contains data and code supporting the manuscript Arato & Fitch (2021): Phylogenetic signal in the vocalizations of vocal learning and vocal non-learning birds, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 20200241.
The notebook (Birdsong-auditory feature calculation.ipynb) contains Python code to calculate 9 signal processing features for any audio file:
The provided DataLoader Python notebook loads and visualizes the content of the provided .npy files in the Data folder.
This folder also contains:
boostrapped Phylogenetic trees (.nex format): 3 files:
- all songbird species (All_NonPasserines.nex)
- all non-songbird species (All_NonPasserines.nex)
- songbird species with calls (Passerine_Call.nex)
9 acoustic feature values for each species (.csv format) 3 files:
- all songbird songs (All Passerine Song.csv)
- all non-songbird songs (All Non-Passerines.csv)
- songbird species with calls (Stratified Passerine Call.csv)