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x_vio_ros builds a ROS executable for the xVIO module of the X library.
Go to the source directory of your catkin workspace
Clone the X library, which contains all the technical code
git clone [email protected]:jpl-x/x.git
Clone the xVIO ROS repo, which is a ROS wrapper for VIO with the X library.
git clone [email protected]:jpl-x/x_vio_ros.git
Note: The build command assumes you are using catkin commands line tools, but xVIO ROS should equally compile with 'catkin_make'.
catkin build x_vio_ros
Source your workspace after building
source devel/setup.bash
Note for ARM processors: x_vio_ros and x can automatically detect if they are being compiled on an aaarch64 processor architecture and apply the correct compiler flags to optimize performance (tested on Nvidia Jetson TX2). Otherwise, they will use the compiler flags for x86 processors. We will add more boards as we test. If you want to set the compiler flags for other processor architectures, you need to modify the CMakelists.txt in the x_vio_ros and x catkin packages.
Download the example dataset.
Launch xVIO
roslaunch x_vio_ros vio.launch
In another terminal, start the xVIO GUI
roscd x_vio_ros/scripts/
In dynamic reconfigure pane at the bottom right of the GUI, click on x_vio in the left menu, then on INITIALIZE_FILTER.
Note: More details on xVIO GUI here.
This will load the parameters from params.yaml and get the filter ready to go.
Start the bag
rosbag play circle_high_vel_restamped.bag --clock
The GUI outputs should look like the video below.
- Modify the initial state, calibration and IMU noise in params.yaml
Note: More information calibration here.
Modify the input topics in launch/vio.launch
Launch xVIO and its GUI like described in the previous subsection
If you have completed the xVIO ROS installation successfully, you can test if xVIO is working properly on the example dataset.
Create a new environment variable pointing to the folder where you the dataset was downloaded.
Note: This line can be added in your ~/.bashrc file to make that environment variable persistent.
From your workspace folder, run the tests with
catkin build x_vio_ros --no-deps --catkin-make-args run_tests
Test results can be retrieved with
catkin_test_results build/x_vio_ros