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dctm-docker - Documentum xCP running in Docker containers

The goal of this project is to have Documentum xCP running in Docker ( containers, manly for a development purpose.


Andrey Panfilov have done (may be as the first one) a similar work. His work helps me a lot.


Do not use (yet) this in production.

EMC, Documentum, the Documentum logos, Documentum and all other Documentum products and service names and logos are either service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of Documentum, a division of EMC Corporation.


My first intention was to to create an image per components: 1 for the connection broker, 1 for the Content Server, JMS, BAM, etc.. Well, it's not possible :

  • If the broker does not run on the same server as the content server, xMS Agent will fail to deploy applications (trying to connect to the cs, on port 1489).
  • JMS will fail to connect if it doesn't run close to the CS.

So, I have created these images:

  • oracle-xe : Oracle XE Database Server
  • dctm-base: a base image holding the content server software.
  • dctm-cs: the content server
  • dctm-broker: a connection broker used to translate IP addresses (see below)
  • dctm-xmsagent: the xMS Agent.
  • dctm-xplore: the search server.
  • dctm-bam, dctm-bps, dctm-ts: BAM, BPS and Thumbnail servers
  • dctm-apphost: the application server.
  • dctm-cis: CIS (comming soon)
  • dctm-cts: CTS Server. Not yet. It could be possible (see this post).

The build

You will need a GIT client and Docker. And the software provided by Documentum (I can't include them with the sources). And a host with 16GB RAM.

The first thing to do, it's to clone the GIT repository:

# git clone && cd dctm-docker

Then you need to add the software to the sources. See the catalog.

Then, build all the images:

# ./

You need to build all images only once. If you don't want each developer build himself the images, you could use docker export/import commands.
I choose to build all images on a Virtual Machine. Once built, I clone the VM and use the clone as a template. The developer only need to run the containers.

The run

After several minutes, all the Docker images are built. You get ready to start the containers.

The repository

Repository Server

First, start Oracle and Content Server:

# docker run -dP --name dbora -h dbora oracle-xe  
# docker run -dP -p 1489:1489 -p 49000:49000 --name dctm-cs -h dctm-cs --link dbora:dbora dctm-cs [--repo-name aname]  

The dctm-cs container install the Connection Broker (aka docbroker), the repository (name: devbox, unless you specify another name with the repo-name option), and the JMS.

If you change the default repository name, you must then pass it to all containers when they are created (docker run).

For example: docker run -dP -p 8010:8080 --name bps -h bps --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs-e REPOSITORY_NAME=myrepo dctm-bps `

Wait for the end of the installation (about 45 minutes):

# docker logs -f dctm-cs

You will see the logs of the setup program, then after few minutes, the log of the repository server.
If you are not confident:

# docker exec -it dctm-cs bash
dctm-cs# cd $DM_HOME/install
dctm-cs# tail -f logs/install.log
dctm-cs# exit

Translator Broker

Docker creates a sub network and puts all containers in this network. All containers are reachable through the host (Docker will redirect the request to the container, see Docker documentation for more information).
This will not work with the docbroker. When a client requests the connection information about a repository, the docbroker sends it back the private IP address it knows, which the remote client cannot reach (see an old post about this).
So, we need a second docker to translate the private address into an 'outside' address (actually the host where Docker runs).
It's done with:

# docker run -d -p 1589:1489 --name extbroker -h extbroker \
   --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs -e HOST_IP=<the host ip addr> dctm-broker

The container installs a docbroker performing IP translations (from the IP of dctm-cs to the IP of the docker host). It will configure dynamically the content server by adding a new projection target.

Now, you can configure all you client (ie, dqMan or a Java DFC client) with the second docbroker information ([0]=<docker host ip>

xCP Components

All remaining components are similary started:

# docker run -dP --name xplore -h xplore --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-xplore  
# docker run -dP -it --name da -p 7002:8080 --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-da  
# docker run -dP -p 8000:8080 --name bam -h bam --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs --link dbora:dbora dctm-bam  
# docker run -dP -p 8010:8080 --name bps -h bps --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-bps  
# docker run -dP -p 8020:8080 --name ts -h ts --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-ts dctm-ts  
# docker run -dP -p 8040:8080 --name apphost -h apphost --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-apphost  
# docker run -dP -p 7000:8080 --name xms -h xms --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs --link bam:bam --link xplore:xplore --link apphost:apphost dctm-xmsagent  

Two scripts will help you. run.shcreates (and runs) the dbora and dctm-cs containers. starts all other services:

# cd dctm-docker
# ./

Wait for the end of the installation of dctm-cs (about 45 minutes). Start the remaining services:

# ./

About Documentum Administrator.

You can run DA as a server (alway running) or as a service on demand:

# docker run --rm -it --name da -p 7002:8080 --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-da  

xMS Agent

The hardest part of the job (at less, for me, I have spent several hours to get xMS running).
Check the server it's started:

# docker logs -f xms

Wait for the message "INFO: server started in 3 hours!". I'm kidding. Not 3 hours, but on my laptop (a Macbook PRO, 16GB RAM, 500 GB SSD), the server starts in 10 minutes. On a VM hosted by an ESX Server, about 2-3 mn. So, don't use my laptop ;).

Initial configuration

The xMS agent container comes with a prepopulated database (see details). So, if you have not changed the hostname (-h option of the docker runcommand), you are ready to deploy an application.

Except if you changed the repository name. You have then to update the xMS environment (edit the Repository service, then the repository endpoint).

You should have this environment:

xms env

Voilà! You, lucky dev. guy, you are ready to deploy your first application. Use xCP Designer or xms tools:

# docker run -it --rm --name xms-tools -h xms-tools --link xms:xms \
     -v /Users/jfrancon:/shared dctm-xmstools bash
xmstools # cd bin
xmstools # ./xms -u admin -P adminPass1 -f /shared/my-deploy.script
xmstools # exit

See the xMS documention about how to deploy an application. And see Docker documentum about sharing disk between a host and a container (-v option).

Starting, Stopping, Monitoring

You are now in the Docker world.

Access the services through the docker host. For example, http://docker-host:8040/myapp.

Starting a service is done with docker start <container>. Stopping it with docker stop <container>.

So, start the whole environment:

# docker start dbora dctm-cs extbroker
# docker start bam xplore apphost xms bps da

Stop them in the reverse order:

# docker stop bam xplore apphost xms bps da
# docker stop extbroker dctm-cs dbora

I'sure you will find how to daemonize the containers.

Use docker logs to access the log files.
Open a shell: docker exec -it <container> bash.


Docker assigns new IP addresses at each start. When you restart a container, you need to restart also the containers depending on it. For example, if you restart apphost, you need to restart xms too.



Things I planned to do:

  • Back up / restore script using a container (and the volume sharing of docker)
  • A xCP designer box (including maven, svn or git and xms tools) to automate the build.
  • CIS image.
  • CTS image (maybe)
  • Find a better way to distribute the Documentum software. May be a docker container serving the file through http (nginx) Bad idea. The images would be too dependant. Let the 'builders' choose the best solution to distribute the software.
  • Use a data volume container to store xMS xDB database (use the XMS_DATA_DIR to tell xMS where to store its data).
  • Use a data container for xPlore. Could help to avoid the size of the container growing up.



If you run a new dctm-cs container using a broker already used (ie, a previously content server has already registered a repo to the connection broker), you will probably run into an issue. Prefer running again the broker too (and dbora):

docker stop dctm-cs broker dbora  
docker rm dctm-cs broker dbora  
# start new fresh containers...

xMS Agent and 'standalone' Docbroker

It seems that xms agent does not support a connection broker not running on the same server than the content server. Why ?

BAM fails to start

Application deployments fail sometimes because xMS agent fails to connect to the BAM server. Actually, it's BAM failed to start (happened twice). I haven't investigate yet this issue.
The issue was due to the startup script: the file was created at each start. As the bam server modifies this file (it encrypts passwords), it was a bit confused when it found a clear password...

As a quick workaround, you can try to restart BAM (and xMS):

# docker stop xms bam
# docker start bam xms

Check the logs (docker logs -f bam). If it doesn't solve the issue, delete the container and recreate it:

# docker stop xms bam
# docker rm bam
# docker run -dP -p 8000:8080 --name bam -h bam \
  [-e REPOSITORY_NAME=your-repo] --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs --link dbora:dbora \
# docker start bam xms

xCP deployment/xplore: "no collections"

We got once this issue: during an application deployment, xPlore complained that the collection argument is null (altough the previous lines in the log file show a value for the collection).
We applied the same workaround as for the BAM issue: we have deleted the xplore container.

# docker stop xms xplore
# docker rm xplore
# docker run -dP --name xplore -h xplore -e REPOSITORY_NAME=your-repo\
   --link dctm-cs:dctm-cs dctm-xplore
# docker start xplore xms


Documentum running in containers






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