Let's learn observables through a series of challenges. I strongly recommend you avoid googling for relevant samples. You'll learn better if you take the time to explore (and fail) on your own rather than copy-pasting.
You can either start by cloning this repository, then running:
npm install
npm start
Or you can use this codepen which already has rxjs included, ready for use.
Learn the basics of observable event data sources.
Add the following elements to your application:
- A result field, displaying a sum starting at 0
- Two buttons: Add 1, Subtract 1
- When Add 1 is clicked, the sum total is incremented by 1. When Subtract 1 is clicked, decrement by 1.
- A log of all operations that have occurred.
- BONUS: Add a "Square it" button which will multiply the sum total by itself. Since this is such a "dangerous" operation, the user must press the button three times in rapid (within 1000 ms) succession.
[Add 1] [Subtract 1] [Square it]
- ADD 1
- ADD 1
- ADD 1
Total: 4
Do you need some zen? Use multiple api-driven observables to find out.
Create an application with a single button: "Need some Zen?". When the button is pressed, a request should be made to GET https://yesno.wtf/api
, which will assess the user's present state of mind and return whether Zen is needed.
// GET https://yesno.wtf/api
"answer": "no",
"forced": false,
"image": "https://yesno.wtf/assets/no/1-c7d128c95c1740ec76e120146c870f0b.gif"
If Zen is needed, a follow-up request should be made to GET https://api.github.com/zen
to return the prescribed inspiration.
// GET https://api.github.com/zen
Mind your words, they are important.
If no Zen is needed, a simple "Have a nice day" message should suffice.
Since things happening quickly is clearly not Zen, the following optimizations should be considered:
- Request throttling to each API individually, or API requests globally
- Introduce a delay between button click and API request
- Slowly animate fade in/out effects (using observables of course!) for all messages
- Handle error scenarios. If APIs are down or connectivity is lost, backup Zen should be applied.