argparse, json, os, random, warnings, collections, matplotlib.pyplot, numpy, pandas, pickle, sklearn, tqdm
Only for preprocessing (not strictly required, preprocessed files are supplied in repository) Modules cv2, cvlib, PIL, torch External files: CAT_00 and CAT_01 folders from
- Specifies paths for loading/saving
- some loading/processing functions shared across files
- no main function
- Loading images from files
- Object detection
- GrabCut image segmentation
- Saving ROI arrays for input data dir to .npy
- Load ROI arrays
- Fit+save KMeans model & apply colour compression
- Extract colour profiles from compressed ROI arrays
- Plot example for output of colour compression & visualisation of colour profile
- Load ROI arrays, perform feature extraction according to colour compression
- Vectorise colour profiles
- Fit+save KMeans model & apply clustering
- Plots clusters of test data
First: Unzip .npy files
$ python
- Fits and saves a KMeans (k=32) colour compression model on compressed ROIs from CAT_00_solid
- picks one random ROI array from the CAT_01_rois.npy file created in (2) and runs the feature extraction steps; plots (1.1) the original ROI array, (1.2) the colour compressed ROI array, (1.3) the associated full colour palette the colour compression model extracted from the gold set CAT_00_solid and used in compression, and (2) the colour profile of the exemplary compressed ROI array (a relative frequency distribution of colour centroids, min freq > 0.01%).
$ python -lim 100 -clst 4
- Fits and saves a KMeans (k=4) clustering model on colour embeddings from CAT_00_solid
- Clusters and plots the first 100 image ROIs from CAT_01
To change which data is used for model fitting and which are used as test data in and, set the gold_dir and test_dir variables in the main program to any of these: config['CAT_00_solid'], config['CAT_00_mixed'], config['CAT_01'].
Command line arguments are as follows; any arguments specified for the feature extraction script can be internally passed along when executing the cluster_cats script
--train_new (-new): Fit+save a new colour compression model (default=False)
--n_colours (-col): Set max number of colours across dataset to compress images to (default=32) -
--refit_model (-refit): Fit+save a new clustering model (default=False)
--n_clusters (-clst): Set number of clusters (default=2)
--limit (-lim): Set max number of ROI arrays from test data to predict/plot (default=False)
Since preprocessing takes some time & relies on cv/cvlib which uses tensor flow, I have decided to supply toy samples of the ROI files for easy testing of the code. Preprocessing was done using these commands and requires some more modules/files as detailed above. To run the code yourself, uncomment the 'from ...import...' statement and second half of the get_rois() function in, as well as the import statements in I recommend passing -lim X to to reduce the nr of items processed from CAT_01 in particular.
$ python
- handles extraction of ROI arrays for gold sets CAT_00_solid and CAT_00_mixed, saves these as .npy files to roi path in config
$ python -srcdir ./cats/CAT_01
- handles extraction of ROI arrays for the first 200 images in blind test set CAT_01, saves these as .npy files to roi path in config