As user root execute the following command to add another line to your /etc/hosts file
echo " console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing api.crc.testing api.crc.testing canary-openshift-ingress-canary.apps-crc.testing console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps-crc.testing downloads-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing oauth-openshift.apps-crc.testing" >> /etc/hosts
To switch to user root execute the following command, password is centos:
su -
URL to console is: https://console-openshift-console.apps-crc.testing
Accept and ignore certificate errors.
You should have received username and password on your emails.
To download the oc tool log in to the OpenShift cluster. Click on the ? question mark in the top right corner. Select Command line tools.
Select Download oc tool for Linux for x86_64
File called oc.tar will be downloaded under /home/student/ directory.
Execute the following commands to be able to use the oc tool:
tar -xf oc.tar
rm oc.tar
chmod ugo+x oc
su -
mv /home/student/oc /usr/bin/oc
To login trough CLI, use the following command:
oc login -u <username>
You will be prompted for a password.
If during the exam you run into an issue that you are missing disk space you can do the following:
# Remove ALL containers and ALL images
podman rmi -a -f
# Remove cache of packages
rm -rf /var/cache/PackageKit
# Remove Google Chrome
su -
dnf remove google-chrome