A compilation of Data Science and analytics projects as well as important programming concepts in Python 3.
Concepts discussed and mastered in the 1st Certification: Python Fundamentals
- Integer Variables
- Boolean Variables
- Data Types
- Lists & For Loops
- Conditional Statements
- Dictionaries and Frequency Tables
- Functions: Fundamentals
- Functions: Intermediate
- Project: Profitable App Profiles for the App Store and Google Play Markets
Concepts discussed and mastered in the 2nd Certification: Python Intermediate
- Cleaning and Preparing Data in Python
- Python Data Analytics Basics
- Object-Oriented Python
- Working with Dates and Times in Python
- Project: Exploring Hacker News Posts
Concepts discussed and mastered in the 3rd Certification: Pandas and NumPy Fundamentals
- Introduction to NumPy
- Boolean Indexing with NumPy
- Introduction to Pandas
- Exploring data with Pandas: Fundamentals
- Exploring data with Pandas: Intermediate
- Data Cleaning Basics
- Project: Exploring Ebay Car Sales Data
Concepts discussed and mastered in the 4th Certification: Exploratory Data Visualization
- Line Charts
- Multiple Plots
- Bar Plots and Scatter Plots
- Histograms and Box Plots
- Project: Visualizing Earnings based on College Majors
Concepts discussed and mastered in the 5th Certification: Storytelling Through Data Visualization
- Improving Plot Aesthetics
- Color, Layout and Annotations
- Project: Visualizing the Gender Gap in College Graduates
- Conditional Plots
- Visualizing Geographic Data