CKEditor 5 for Django >= 2.0
pip install django-ckeditor-5
- Add "django_ckeditor_5" to your INSTALLED_APPS in your project/ like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_ckeditor_5', ]
- Also, in your project/ add:
STATIC_URL = '/static/' MEDIA_URL = '/media/' MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media') customColorPalette = [ { 'color': 'hsl(4, 90%, 58%)', 'label': 'Red' }, { 'color': 'hsl(340, 82%, 52%)', 'label': 'Pink' }, { 'color': 'hsl(291, 64%, 42%)', 'label': 'Purple' }, { 'color': 'hsl(262, 52%, 47%)', 'label': 'Deep Purple' }, { 'color': 'hsl(231, 48%, 48%)', 'label': 'Indigo' }, { 'color': 'hsl(207, 90%, 54%)', 'label': 'Blue' }, ] CKEDITOR_5_CUSTOM_CSS = 'path_to.css' # optional CKEDITOR_5_FILE_STORAGE = "path_to_storage.CustomStorage" # optional CKEDITOR_5_CONFIGS = { 'default': { 'toolbar': ['heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'blockQuote', 'imageUpload', ], }, 'extends': { 'blockToolbar': [ 'paragraph', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'heading3', '|', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', '|', 'blockQuote', ], 'toolbar': ['heading', '|', 'outdent', 'indent', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'code','subscript', 'superscript', 'highlight', '|', 'codeBlock', 'sourceEditing', 'insertImage', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'todoList', '|', 'blockQuote', 'imageUpload', '|', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontColor', 'fontBackgroundColor', 'mediaEmbed', 'removeFormat', 'insertTable',], 'image': { 'toolbar': ['imageTextAlternative', '|', 'imageStyle:alignLeft', 'imageStyle:alignRight', 'imageStyle:alignCenter', 'imageStyle:side', '|'], 'styles': [ 'full', 'side', 'alignLeft', 'alignRight', 'alignCenter', ] }, 'table': { 'contentToolbar': [ 'tableColumn', 'tableRow', 'mergeTableCells', 'tableProperties', 'tableCellProperties' ], 'tableProperties': { 'borderColors': customColorPalette, 'backgroundColors': customColorPalette }, 'tableCellProperties': { 'borderColors': customColorPalette, 'backgroundColors': customColorPalette } }, 'heading' : { 'options': [ { 'model': 'paragraph', 'title': 'Paragraph', 'class': 'ck-heading_paragraph' }, { 'model': 'heading1', 'view': 'h1', 'title': 'Heading 1', 'class': 'ck-heading_heading1' }, { 'model': 'heading2', 'view': 'h2', 'title': 'Heading 2', 'class': 'ck-heading_heading2' }, { 'model': 'heading3', 'view': 'h3', 'title': 'Heading 3', 'class': 'ck-heading_heading3' } ] } }, 'list': { 'properties': { 'styles': 'true', 'startIndex': 'true', 'reversed': 'true', } } }
- Include the app URLconf in your project/ like this:
from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls.static import static # [ ... ] urlpatterns += [ path("ckeditor5/", include('django_ckeditor_5.urls'), name="ck_editor_5_upload_file"), ] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
- Add to your project/
from django.db import models from django_ckeditor_5.fields import CKEditor5Field class Article(models.Model): title=models.CharField('Title', max_length=200) text=CKEditor5Field('Text', config_name='extends')
Includes the following ckeditor5 plugins:
Essentials, UploadAdapter, CodeBlock, Autoformat, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Code, Subscript, Superscript, BlockQuote, Heading, Image, ImageCaption, ImageStyle, ImageToolbar, ImageResize, Link, List, Paragraph, Alignment, Font, PasteFromOffice, SimpleUploadAdapter, MediaEmbed, RemoveFormat, Table, TableToolbar, TableCaption, TableProperties, TableCellProperties, Indent, IndentBlock, Highlight, TodoList, ListProperties, SourceEditing, GeneralHtmlSupport, ImageInsert, WordCount, Mention, Style, HorizontalLine, LinkImage, HtmlEmbed
from django import forms from django_ckeditor_5.widgets import CKEditor5Widget from .models import Comment class CommentForm(forms.ModelForm): """Form for comments to the article.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["text"].required = False class Meta: model = Comment fields = ("author", "text") widgets = { "text": CKEditor5Widget( attrs={"class": "django_ckeditor_5"}, config_name="comment" ) }
import os from urllib.parse import urljoin from django.conf import settings from import FileSystemStorage class CustomStorage(FileSystemStorage): """Custom storage for django_ckeditor_5 images.""" location = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "django_ckeditor_5") base_url = urljoin(settings.MEDIA_URL, "django_ckeditor_5/")
You can rename the images using uuid value and maintaning the extension in lower case. Example if your uploaded image original name was my-image.JPG now would be acb34ded-f203-431a-9005-387cc24a892e.jpg
You need to specity the settings variable with True value
You can use a custom upload_url to satisfy your business logic needs.
If you want to use a custom upload_url, You need to create a custom view class that extends UploadImageView
import os import uuid from django_ckeditor_5.views import UploadImageView class CustomUploadImageView(UploadImageView): """Custom View to upload images for django_ckeditor_5 images.""" def handle_uploaded_file(self, f): fs = self.get_storage_class()() filename = # Here you can apply custom actions before the file is saved. For example optimize the image size if getattr(settings, "CKEDITOR_5_UPLOAD_IMAGES_RENAME_UUID", None) is True: new_file_name = f"{uuid.uuid4()}{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}" filename =, f) # Here you can apply custom actions after the file is saved return fs.url(filename)
You need to add the custom url to your app file
from . import views # or from .views import CustomUploadImageView path("custom_image_upload/", views.CustomUploadImageView.as_view(),name="ck_editor_5_upload_image",),
Finally You need to specify in the settings the CKEDITOR_5_UPLOAD_IMAGE_URL_NAME variable with the name of your custom_image_upload url view
CKEDITOR_5_UPLOAD_IMAGE_URL_NAME = "your_app_name:ck_editor_5_upload_image"
You can change the language via the language
key in the config
CKEDITOR_5_CONFIGS = { 'default': { 'toolbar': ['heading', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'blockQuote', 'imageUpload', ], 'language': 'de', },
can be either:
- a string containing a single language
- a list of languages
- a dict
{"ui": <a string (1) or a list of languages (2)>}
If you want the language to change with the user language in django
to your django settings.
Additionally you will have to list all available languages in the ckeditor
config as shown above.
cd your_root_project git clone cd django-ckeditor-5 yarn install yarn run prod cd your_root_project python collectstatic
To apply ckeditor5 styling outside of the editor, download content.styles.css from the official ckeditor5 docs and include it as a styleshet within your HTML template. You will need to add the ck-content class to the container of your content for the styles to be applied.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/assets/content-styles.css" type="text/css">
<div class="ck-content">
<p>ckeditor content</p>