The website is generated using Hugo. Hugo is a static site generator, using Markdown sites and template to compile static websites.
Clone the project: git clone
Go into the directory: cd judaicalink-site
Install hugo (see below).
Simply download the Hugo executable (Currently used version on the server: 0.104.3).
You have to add hugo in your environment variables under PATH:
For example: C:\Users\YourName\hugo_0.31.1_Windows-64bit
To check if the installation worked you can type hugo help
in your command prompt. You should get a response containing several commands hugo is able to execute.
-> For more detailed directions view the guide hugo provides unter installation guide for windows
In your command prompt go to the main directory of the cloned repository (where this file is) and execute the command hugo server
For example: C:\Users\YourName\judaicalink-site>hugo server
Afterwards, you can browse the website locally under http://localhost:1313
Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt install hugo
Arch: sudo pacman -S hugo
Fedora, RedHat: sudo pacman -S hugo
Verify the installation with: hugo --version
Install hugo with brew brew install hugo
Verify the installation with: hugo --version
Serve Hugo directly on your local machine with hugo serve
. It opens up a webserver. Check the terminal for the link and path.
Also check for errors.
If you want to compile the source and generate a live site, just run hugo
This generates the static
files and the public
If you want to compile the sites to a specific folder just use: hugo -d <your-destination>
Now you can serve the pages with a webserver like Apache2 or NGINX.
Either copy the public
and static
folders to the serving directory or add the directories in sites-available
to the location directive.
Don't forge to serve the static
folder, too.
Just fetch and pull the latest version of the site, git fetch
and git pull
The compile the site again.
If you want to build a docker image, clone the repository and run docker build -t judaicalink-site .
in the root directory of the repository.
To run the image, use docker run -d -p 80:80 judaicalink-site
Check if the Markdown syntax is correct.
Watch the console for errors if your changes do not show up as expected.
Serve the site locally and check for changes.
Clear the cache of your browser.
When you are done, commit your changes to your forked repository and send the pull request.