This repository contains my personal Neovim configuration files, designed to enhance productivity and streamline my coding workflow. This setup is tailored for users who want a modern, efficient IDE like experience with Neovim.
- nvim: Version 0.10 or higher.
- npm and nodejs: Required for installing packages and plugins.
- deno and webkit2gtk: Required for markdown preview (peek).
- nerd-fonts: Required for the icons to display correctly.
- lazygit: Required for the lazygit plugin.
Clone the Repository:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
- lazy: A modern plugin manager for Neovim.
- snacks: A collection of QoL plugins for Neovim .
- nvim-lspconfig: Configurations for Nvim LSP.
- lspsaga: Enhancements for LSP experience.
- Mason: Package manager for LSP servers and tools.
- typescript-tools: TypeScript support for Neovim.
- rustacianvim: Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim! A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim.
- nvim-dap: Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim.
- blink.cmp: Performant, batteries-included completion plugin.
- nvim-tree: File explorer for Neovim.
- lualine: Status line plugin.
- nvim-web-devicons: Icons for various file types.
- noice: Enhanced UI for messages, cmdline, and popup menu.
- indentscope: Provides indent guides
- nvim-colorizer: Colorizer plugin for better color handling in code.
- vim-illuminate: Highlight references to the word under the cursor.
- eyeliner: Move faster with unique f/F indicators.
- nvim-dap-ui: A UI for nvim-dap.
- rose-pine: Soho vibes.
- tokyonight: A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua.
- catppuccin: Soothing pastel theme.
- gruvbox: Retro groove color scheme.
- nightfox: A highly customizable theme for vim and neovim.
- kanagawa: Dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
- flow: Features carefully designed colors with fluorescent details to provide a vibrant environment.
- nvim-comment: Commenting utility.
- treesitter: Syntax highlighting and code parsing.
- nvim-autopairs: Automatically close pairs of characters.
- nvim-surround: Easily add, change or delete surrounding characters.
- vim-maximizer: Maximize and restore windows easily.
- auto-session: Session management plugin.
- bufferline: Buffer management with a tab-like interface.
- copilot: AI-powered code completion.
- copilot-chat: Github copilot chat inside nvim.
- peek: Markdown preview plugin for Neovim.
- render-markdown: Markdown rendering.
- todo-comments: Highlight TODO comments in your code.
- w3m: Inbuilt browser for viewing web pages from Neovim.
- which-key: Keymap guide to display available keybindings.
- Key Mappings: Key mappings are defined in /lua/config/keymaps.lua (leader key is set to space)
- Settings: Settings are defined in /lua/config/options.lua
- Auto Commands: Custom auto commands are defined in /lua/config/autocmds.lua