This project is an extension to Shopify's Dashing. Including this rubygem you will be able to:
- Use all the built-in widgets
- Extend
module to define, test jobs - Built-in jobs are only a couple of lines implementation, no repetitive copy and paste
- Existing secret parameters is automatically loaded from
file - All jobs have a final state (ok, warning, critical)
- Rest API to get overall state summary
- Rest API to trigger save history
Read each individual widget documentation to use dashing-contrib built-in widgets after the installation steps.
Requires Ruby >= 1.9.3. Add this line to your Dashing's dashboard Gemfile:
gem 'dashing-contrib', '~> 0.1.6'
Update dependencies:
$ bundle
Add the following on top of the
$: << File.expand_path('./lib', File.dirname(__FILE__))
require 'dashing-contrib'
require 'dashing'
Include built-in CoffeeScript to assets/javascripts/
#=require dashing-contrib/assets/widgets
Include built-in SCSS to assets/stylesheets/application.scss
//=require dashing-contrib/assets/widgets
Now you will be able to use the following widgets, click to see individual documentation:
- Rickshawgraph
- Sidekiq
- Pingdom Uptime
- Kue Status
- Nagios List
- Switcher
- Dashing State (global alert if any widget is under critical state)
Shared job parameters are managed by dotenv
gem. Add a .env
file in your dashing project root. dashing-contrib will load your configuration from .env
file automatically. An example .env
PINGDOM_API_KEY: pingpongpingpong
These values can be accessed in jobs ENV['NAGIOS_ENDPOINT']
dashing-contrib gem provides a standard job definition wrapper. This replaces the 'SCHEDULE.every' call:
- defines common data processing and testable/reusable modules
- in addition to dashing's default 'updatedAt', introduced an optional
information used across all widgets
A custom job declaration example:
module MyCustomJob
# provides some dashing hooks
extend DashingContrib::RunnableJob
# Overrides to extract some data for display
# generated hash will be available for widget to access
def self.metrics(options)
{ metrics: { failed: 500, ok: 123013 } }
# By default this always returns OK state
# You can customize the state return value by lookup generated metrics and user provided options
def self.validate_state(metrics, options = {})
# `metrics` parameter is the value return by `metrics` method
failed_value = metrics[:metrics][:failed]
return DashingContrib::RunnableJob::OK if failed_value == 0
return DashingContrib::RunnableJob::WARNING if failed_value <= 100
When using job:
# make sure MyCustomJob module is required
# default interval is every 30s and job is executed once at start 'custom-job-event', every: '20s')
# Custom job also has a block syntax if you are setting up some global settings 'custom-job-event') do
# setup redis client etc
# metrics and validate_state method will be able to use `my_custom_param` and `custom_threshold`
# to make configurable metrics fetch and state validation 'custom-job-event', my_custom_param: 123, custom_threshold: 3)
Take a look some build-in jobs as example:
- dashing-contrib/jobs/sidekiq.rb
- dashing-contrib/jobs/kue.rb
- dashing-contrib/jobs/nagios_list.rb
- dashing-contrib/jobs/pingdom_uptime.rb
- dashing-contrib/jobs/dashing-state.rb
This is nice that backend data fetching can be now unit tested and reused. Dashing widget view layer can reuse the same job processor and present data in multiple forms.
All built-in jobs managed by 'DashingContrib::Runnable' assumes each widget instance has a 'state' under ok, warning or critical. We suggest your custom widget should also follow this convension.
This gem creates an additional REST API, as well as a widget to show a global healthness of the system. This is awesome if you would like to build some physical alert system around it.
GET http://{dashing_endpoint}/api/states
"ok": 2,
"warning": 0,
"critical": 0,
"detailed_status": {
"dashboard": {
"state": "ok",
"title": "Dashboard",
"updated_at": 1403823187
"nagios-list": {
"state": "ok",
"title": "Nagios Checks",
"updated_at": 1403823178
A new REST endpoint allows to force keep a snapshot of current events data and update the history.yml yaml file.
Post http://{dashing_endpoint}/api/history/save
There are a couple of ways to contribute. Brining those widgets scattered in github, in multiple format into this repository. They usually falling into the following categories:
- Widgets, common widgets should be generic solution to a common requirements. e.g. line graph, better clock with common functionalities. Documentation should be written as a file under widget's own directory, include a preview.png file in the widget folder.
- Jobs utils, common Job data processing for graphing purpose
- Fix and add test
- Improve documentation