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pages build and deployment #21

pages build and deployment

pages build and deployment #21

GitHub Actions / Qodana for JS completed Sep 22, 2023 in 0s

129 new problems found by Qodana for JS

Qodana for JS

129 new problems were found

Inspection name Severity Problems
Standard code style 🔴 Failure 128
Signature mismatch ◽️ Notice 1

💡 Qodana analysis was run in the pull request mode: only the changed files were checked
☁️ View the detailed Qodana report

Dependencies licenses

Third-party software list

This page lists the third-party software dependencies used in project

Dependency Version Licenses
@babel/core 7.22.20 MIT
@eslint-community/eslint-utils 4.4.0 MIT
@eslint-community/regexpp 4.8.1 MIT
@eslint/eslintrc 2.1.2 MIT
@eslint/js 8.49.0 MIT
@humanwhocodes/config-array 0.11.11 Apache-2.0
@humanwhocodes/module-importer 1.0.1 Apache-2.0
@istanbuljs/load-nyc-config 1.1.0 ISC
@istanbuljs/schema 0.1.3 MIT
@nodelib/fs.walk 1.2.8 MIT
@types/chai 4.3.6 MIT
@types/node 20.6.3 MIT
acorn-jsx 5.3.2 MIT
acorn 8.10.0 MIT
aggregate-error 3.1.0 MIT
ajv 6.12.6 MIT
ansi-styles 4.3.0 MIT
append-transform 2.0.0 MIT
archy 1.0.0 MIT
argparse 1.0.10 MIT
argparse 2.0.1 Python-2.0
balanced-match 1.0.2 MIT
brace-expansion 1.1.11 MIT
caching-transform 4.0.0 MIT
callsites 3.1.0 MIT
camelcase 5.3.1 MIT
chai 4.3.8 MIT
chalk 4.1.2 MIT
cliui 6.0.0 ISC
color-convert 2.0.1 MIT
commondir 1.0.1 MIT
concat-map 0.0.1 MIT
convert-source-map 1.9.0 MIT
cross-spawn 7.0.3 MIT
debug 3.2.7 MIT
debug 4.3.4 MIT
decamelize 1.2.0 MIT
default-require-extensions 3.0.1 MIT
doctrine 3.0.0 Apache-2.0
emoji-regex 8.0.0 MIT
es6-error 4.1.1 MIT
escape-string-regexp 4.0.0 MIT
eslint-config-standard 17.1.0 MIT
eslint-import-resolver-node 0.3.9 MIT
eslint-module-utils 2.8.0 MIT
eslint-plugin-import 2.28.1 MIT
eslint-plugin-n 15.7.0 MIT
eslint-plugin-promise 6.1.1 ISC
eslint-scope 7.2.2 BSD-2-Clause
eslint-utils 3.0.0 MIT
eslint-visitor-keys 2.1.0 Apache-2.0
eslint-visitor-keys 3.4.3 Apache-2.0
eslint 8.49.0 MIT
espree 9.6.1 BSD-2-Clause
esprima 4.0.1 BSD-2-Clause
esquery 1.5.0 BSD-3-Clause
estraverse 5.3.0 BSD-2-Clause
esutils 2.0.3 BSD-2-Clause
fast-deep-equal 3.1.3 MIT
fast-json-stable-stringify 2.1.0 MIT
file-entry-cache 6.0.1 MIT
find-cache-dir 3.3.2 MIT
find-up 4.1.0 MIT
find-up 5.0.0 MIT
foreground-child 2.0.0 ISC
fromentries 1.3.2 MIT
fs.realpath 1.0.0 ISC
function-bind 1.1.1 MIT
get-caller-file 2.0.5 ISC
get-package-type 0.1.0 MIT
glob-parent 6.0.2 ISC
glob 7.2.3 ISC
globals 13.22.0 MIT
graceful-fs 4.2.11 ISC
graphemer 1.4.0 MIT
has-flag 4.0.0 MIT
has 1.0.3 MIT
hasha 5.2.2 MIT
html-escaper 2.0.2 MIT
ignore 5.2.4 MIT
import-fresh 3.3.0 MIT
imurmurhash 0.1.4 MIT
inflight 1.0.6 ISC
inherits 2.0.4 ISC
is-core-module 2.13.0 MIT
is-fullwidth-code-point 3.0.0 MIT
is-glob 4.0.3 MIT
is-path-inside 3.0.3 MIT
is-stream 2.0.1 MIT
is-typedarray 1.0.0 MIT
is-windows 1.0.2 MIT
isexe 2.0.0 ISC
istanbul-lib-coverage 3.2.0 BSD-3-Clause
istanbul-lib-hook 3.0.0 BSD-3-Clause
istanbul-lib-instrument 4.0.3 BSD-3-Clause
istanbul-lib-processinfo 2.0.3 ISC
istanbul-lib-report 3.0.1 BSD-3-Clause
istanbul-lib-source-maps 4.0.1 BSD-3-Clause
istanbul-reports 3.1.6 BSD-3-Clause
js-tokens 4.0.0 MIT
js-yaml 3.14.1 MIT
js-yaml 4.1.0 MIT
json-schema-traverse 0.4.1 MIT
json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify 1.0.1 MIT
levn 0.4.1 MIT
locate-path 5.0.0 MIT
lodash.flattendeep 4.4.0 MIT
lodash.merge 4.6.2 MIT
lru-cache 6.0.0 ISC
make-dir 3.1.0 MIT
make-dir 4.0.0 MIT
minimatch 3.1.2 ISC
ms 2.1.2 MIT
ms 2.1.3 MIT
natural-compare 1.4.0 MIT
node-preload 0.2.1 MIT
nyc 15.1.0 ISC
object-keys 1.1.1 MIT
once 1.4.0 ISC
optionator 0.9.3 MIT
p-map 3.0.0 MIT
package-hash 4.0.0 ISC
parent-module 1.0.1 MIT
path-exists 4.0.0 MIT
path-is-absolute 1.0.1 MIT
path-parse 1.0.7 MIT
pkg-dir 4.2.0 MIT
process-on-spawn 1.0.0 MIT
punycode 2.3.0 MIT
release-zalgo 1.0.0 ISC
require-directory 2.1.1 MIT
require-main-filename 2.0.0 ISC
resolve-from 4.0.0 MIT
resolve-from 5.0.0 MIT
resolve 1.22.6 MIT
rimraf 3.0.2 ISC
rollup 3.29.2 MIT
semver 6.3.1 ISC
semver 7.5.4 ISC
set-blocking 2.0.0 ISC
signal-exit 3.0.7 ISC
source-map 0.6.1 BSD-3-Clause
spawn-wrap 2.0.0 ISC
sprintf-js 1.0.3 BSD-3-Clause
standard 17.1.0 MIT
string-width 4.2.3 MIT
strip-ansi 6.0.1 MIT
strip-bom 4.0.0 MIT
strip-json-comments 3.1.1 MIT
supports-color 7.2.0 MIT
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0 MIT
test-exclude 6.0.0 ISC
text-table 0.2.0 MIT
type-fest 0.20.2 MIT
type-fest 0.8.1 MIT
typedarray-to-buffer 3.1.5 MIT
uri-js 4.4.1 BSD-2-Clause
uuid 8.3.2 MIT
which-module 2.0.1 ISC
which 2.0.2 ISC
wrap-ansi 6.2.0 MIT
write-file-atomic 3.0.3 ISC
y18n 4.0.3 ISC
yargs-parser 18.1.3 ISC
yargs 15.4.1 MIT
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This result was published with Qodana GitHub Action


Check notice on line 38 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Signature mismatch

Argument type null is not assignable to parameter type string

Check failure on line 27 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 37 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 31 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 4 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 23 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 48 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 1 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 20 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 25 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 1 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 47 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 10 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 10 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 50 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 19 in lib/validator.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 29 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 16 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 31 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 7 in vite-docs.config.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 23 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 11 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Extra semicolon. (semi)

Check failure on line 18 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 45 in test/validator.test.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Strings must use singlequote. (quotes)

Check failure on line 34 in docs/js/script.js

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Qodana for JS

Standard code style

Standard code style: Expected indentation of 10 spaces but found 8. (indent)