Covid Semantic Search Engine and Data Analytics
1. Download the dataset from here (download metadata.csv) and place it in /data/raw/metadata.csv
Download and install Milvus Standalone using docker compose. Refer: Installation Guide or follow the instructions below.
$ wget -O docker-compose.yml
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
docker ps -a should show the following:
Name Command State Ports
milvus-etcd etcd -advertise-client-url ... Up 2379/tcp, 2380/tcp
milvus-minio /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint ... Up (healthy) 9000/tcp
milvus-standalone /tini -- milvus run standalone Up>19530/tcp,>9091/tcp
$ docker run --name postgres0 -d -p 5438:5432 -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust postgres
docker ps -a should show that it is up and running
We will use Milvus to store vectors and Postgres to store metadata corresponding to these vectors. The milvus id corresponding to the milvus vector will act as the primary key for both these tables. Postgres stores metadata such as the title of the article, abstract, authors, and the url.
Before doing so, install the source code using the lines below at the root of this repo.
$ python -m pip install .
Now run the following to build the backend of the search system
$ python cli/ --data_path "/abs/path/to/data/raw/metadata.csv"
Specify the absolute path to the dataset using --data_path and the model name using --model_name. The model name is an optional argument and will use "multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1" unless otherwise specified.
This step will take 1 hour per million rows which includes embedding generation time as well as insertion into Milvus and Postgres.
You should see a message "Pushed Data to Milvus and Postgres" at the end of this step.
The inference code has been wrapped as an API and can be called either via command line interface or using the streamlit app.
$ python cli/ --query "effect of face coverings for covid"
Specify the query using --query argument and the number of results using --no_of_results which is an optional argument with a default value of 10.
$ streamlit run api/
Download the csv file corresponding to country-wise data (1.csv) from here and place it in /data/raw/country.csv
COVID-19 related analytics can now be stood up by running:
$ streamlit run api/
The above command will enable all other functionalities such as the policy measures function, covid-19 statistics, and the world heat (choropleth) map.