Datapoint processing - sourcecode
Root project contains three git submodules:
- local-github
- local-s3
- local-sqs
Run the below command in the project root to update the above submodules:
git submodule update --init
Start external dependencies
python local-sqs/ start
python local-github/ start
python local-s3/ start
Run the acceptance test
./gradlew --rerun-tasks test
Stop external dependencies
python local-sqs/ stop
python local-github/ stop
python local-s3/ stop
minio config host add myminio local_test_access_key local_test_secret_key
Install Serverless
Ensure you have new version (v6.4.0) of npm
installed, installing serverless
fails with older versions of npm:
npm install -g npm # optional: to get the latest version of npm
npm install -g serverless
serverless info
Now, have a look at serverless.yml
Create an environment configuration in ./config
by creating copy after env.local.yml
Ensure that the three components above i.e. local-xxx
are running before running the below commands.
Build package
./gradlew clean test shadowJar
Create a Minio bucket locally
export TEST_S3_LOCATION=./local-s3/.storage/tdl-test-auth/TCH/user01
mkdir -p $TEST_S3_LOCATION
cp src/test/resources/test1.srcs $TEST_S3_LOCATION
Create config file for respective env profiles:
cp config/local.params.yml config/dev.params.yml
cp config/dev.params.yml config/live.params.yml
Invoke local function manually
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=local_test_access_key \
AWS_SECRET_KEY=local_test_secret_key \
serverless invoke local \
--function srcs-github-export \
--path src/test/resources/tdl/datapoint/sourcecode/sample_s3_via_sns_event.json
Note: the below can also be used:
export AWS_PROFILE=befaster # pre-configured profile contained in ~/.aws/credentials
instead of setting AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
Obtain the Github access token by following this tutorial:
Build package
./gradlew clean test shadowJar
Deploy to DEV
serverless deploy --stage dev
Deploy to LIVE
serverless deploy --stage live
Create an S3 event json and place it in a temp folder, say xyz/s3_event.json
Set the bucket and the key to some meaningful values.
Invoke the dev lambda
SLS_DEBUG=* serverless invoke --stage dev --function srcs-github-export --path src/test/resources/tdl/datapoint/sourcecode/sample_s3_via_sns_event.json
Check the destination queue for that particular environment. Check the ECS Task status and logs
Note: the sample_s3_via_sns_event.json file contains the reference to the bucket tdl-test-auth and the key referring to the file at TCH/user01/test1.srcs.