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Library that continuously syncs a folder to an S3 bucket. Optimised for streaming file formats (video, logs).


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Java Version

s3-sync-stream is library that continuously syncs the contents of a folder to an S3 bucket. Optimised for streaming file formats (video, logs).

The library will aggresively upload content as it is being generated:

  • Each chunk will be uploaded as a part in a multipart upload
  • The multipart upload in kept open while the file is being generated
  • It is the responsibility of the generator to create a .lock with the same name.
  • Once the file generation is completed and the .lock file removed, the multipart upload will be finalised.

To use as a library

Add as Maven dependency

Add a dependency to tdl:s3-sync-stream in compile scope. See bintray shield for latest release number.


Configure AWS user with minimal permissions

WIP - TODO Add detailed IAM instructions

Define sync source and destination

Configure the local folder as a source and define AWS S3 as the destination

Source source = Source.getBuilder(/* Path */ pathToFolder)

Destination destination = Destination.getBuilder()
  .loadFromPath(/* Path */ pathToFile)

Construct the RemoteSync and run. The run method can be invoked multiple times.

remoteSync = new RemoteSync(source, destination);;

Example source definitions

The source will be a set of filters that can be applied to a folder to obtain a list of files to be synced

Default values will not include .lock files and hidden files (. files)

Source source = Source.getBuilder(/* Path */ pathToFolder)

Single file can be selected using a matcher

Filter filter = Filter.getBuilder().matches("file.txt");

Source source = Source.getBuilder(/* Path */ pathToFolder)

Multiple files can be included if they match one of the matchers. The list of included files can be further filtered via exclude matchers

Filter includeFilter = Filter.getBuilder()

Filter excludeFilter = Filter.getBuilder()

Source source = Source.getBuilder(/* Path */ pathToFolder)

By default the library will not traverse directories, if you need this behaviour than you can set the traverseDirectories flag to true

Source source = Source.getBuilder(/* Path */ pathToFolder)

If no include matcher is specified then an IllegalArgumentException will be raised upon creation:

Source source = Source.getBuilder(/* Path */ pathToFolder)


Prepare environment

Configuration for running this service should be placed in file .private/aws-test-secrets in Java Properties file format. For examples.


The values are:

  • aws_access_key_id - access key to the AWS account.
  • aws_secret_access_key - secret key to the AWS account.
  • s3_region - this contains the region that holds the S3 bucket.
  • s3_bucket the bucket that will store the uploaded files.
  • s3_prefix S3 prefix that will be added before all files

Run tests

Start Minio as a container

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --rm \
    -e "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio_access_key" \
    -e "MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minio_secret_key" \
    -e "MINIO_BROWSER=off" \
    minio/minio:RELEASE.2017-05-05T01-14-51Z server /data

Minio can be accessed via the normal AWS client

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minio_access_key
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minio_secret_key
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

aws --endpoint-url s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket localbucket
aws --endpoint-url s3 ls

Run the local tests

./gradlew test -i

Run remote tests

./gradlew remoteS3Tests -i

Build and run as command-line app

./gradlew shadowJar
java -Dlogback.configurationFile=`pwd`/logback.xml \
    -jar ./build/libs/s3-sync-stream-0.0.6-SNAPSHOT-all.jar \
    -c ./.private/aws-test-secrets \
    -d ./src/test/resources/test_a_1 \
    --filter "^[0-9a-zA-Z\\_]+\\.txt$"

Install to mavenLocal

If you want to build the SNAPSHOT version locally you can install to the local Maven cache

./gradlew -x test clean install

Inspect traffic with Charles Proxy

sudo keytool -import -alias charles \
  -file "${CERT_SAVE_LOCATION}/charles-ssl-proxying-certificate.pem" \
  -keystore "${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/cacerts" \
  -storepass changeit
  • Traffic should appear in Charles

Useful AWS commands

List multipart uploads

aws s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket tdl-official-videos \
    > /tmp/
cat /tmp/ | jq '.Uploads[] | {init:.Initiated, key: .Key, id:.UploadId}'

Abort multipart upload

 aws s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket tdl-official-videos \
  --key CHK/frhh01/record-and-upload-20180609T172016.log \
  --upload-id qro14BxOJj1MfcCWd5U67BWgQwsCrRsKn5UqtN7PKAN753HShMSZR9KN11ySkm_ftLJMQoVO._KGb1Irrl3NjnLDerlsrtPt.iYR2YWynhXb1tnPRX5CkVOPNvoyq6A7tO8cyCcHiON8W3WArgGuMQ--

List parts

aws s3api list-parts \
  --bucket tdl-official-videos \
  --key "CHK/eijf01/sourcecode_20180611T071715.srcs" \
  --upload-id pDeAaCMyM9veZeS4t1sc7dZG9K58d3zVLPhoGFE_xc8I6jHatZ4EdLzpNZg2L6mHAe6s26AUiBFlqI0CDgwNCOG5b7am_iQjThOSgcoTu7fdGUQQa895yyPjxMxpu6wbADnf1JAEKVe6KQYSk.oC4Q-- \
  > /tmp/
cat /tmp/ | jq '.Parts[] | {etag:.ETag, num:.PartNumber}'

Complete multipart

aws s3api complete-multipart-upload \
  --bucket tdl-official-videos \
  --key "CHK/sagp01/screencast_20180607T212124.mp4" \
  --multipart-upload '{"Parts":[{"ETag":"bee8593bf7085ce82a12708ade4b70b5","PartNumber":1},{"ETag":"d58e97a1c8aa3ed54ed1274e6972b428","PartNumber":2},{"ETag":"7ca7bf9efdd01ab39664711a574f0b48","PartNumber":3}]}' \
  --upload-id "jdB1Q.SRfhk0wdRalRHJNLvE8xEoiH5TiQPBrnG2_hkU1oc9wcQSQgM4FcEUmDxNuA2FGHUigd_0LwkovflgXupcQMXCuJ_xYML9ZtKlX4LS8PaXXxaNcA4WOexreZoZ.fZ_NxDHxqCbg15H6enZdg--"

Publish to Maven Central

Publish to Maven Central Staging repo

./gradlew publish

A Staging repository is created automatically:

To promote to the Live repo, do the following:

To build artifacts in Github

Commit all changes then:

export RELEASE_TAG="v$(cat | cut -d= -f2)"
git tag -a "${RELEASE_TAG}" -m "${RELEASE_TAG}"
git push --tags
git push


Library that continuously syncs a folder to an S3 bucket. Optimised for streaming file formats (video, logs).







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Contributors 4
