Learning and Inference ExamplE Voice model for DIFF-SVC by julieraptor
Thank you for using LIEE DIFF-SVC AI! Please be sure to tag me in anything you make with this voice model. If you used this model for pre-training, please indicate that you used LIEE DIFF-SVC AI for pre-training wherever you post samples of your voice model.
To download, navigate to **Releases** on the right-hand side and choose the file you wish to download.
LIEE DIFF-SVC AI Official Art by julieraptor
Release video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLk9vJpRg4A
Full name: LIEE DIFF-SVC AI - Learning and Inference ExamplE
Age: Unknown (Adult)
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them, he/him, she/her
Ethnicity: Filipino
Height: 5'8 (1'72m)
Hair color: Dirty blond + blue accents (V1) / Navy blue hair, gold accents (V2)
Eye color: Blue
LIEE DIFF-SVC AI is a commercially mass-produced multi-language android developed by scientists for the intentions of companionship and entertainment. Though not all LIEEs have the capability, the newer model androids called "Learning and Inference ExamplE" have been able to uncannily simulate human emotion, especially through singing. Some have appeared as idols and actors in TV and movies.
They were created as a way to preserve the voice and talents of the celebrity, Velirio Eden, whose stage name was also "LIEE".
24kHz model @ 200k steps:
- Voice provider singing: 35:56
- Voice provider speaking: 12:02
- UTAU renders: 28:14
- UTAU voice data: 1:59:40
- Total: 3:15:33
44.1kHz model @ 600k steps:
- Voice provider singing: 43:26
- Voice provider speaking: 12:02
- UTAU renders: 1:02:38
- UTAU voice data: 14:44:27
- Total: 16:42:33
- When publishing work using this voice model, you are required to state the name of this voice model.
- It is necessary to state the name of this voice model's author.
- When attributing the name or author of this voice model, you must write the names exactly as written above.
- You cannot call the voice model by any other name, nor can you attribute the voice model to any other author.
- You are free to create sexual content.
- You are free to create violent content.
- Do not create political content.
- Do not create religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
Published work using the voice model may or may not include visual depictions of the voice model character.
Artwork does not need to depict the voice model character. This voice model can be used in conjunction with artwork of other characters.
Existing artwork of the voice model character cannot be used without prior permission from the individual artists.
Derivatives and heavily-inspired characters are prohibited. (Inspired designs must be credited to Julieraptor.)
Contact the author for individual approval to use this voice model commercially.
You are free to edit the audio files of the inferences from this voice model.
You must not use inferences from this model to create a new voice model or singing synthesizer.
You cannot use this voice model in any other singing synthesizer. Please contact the author if you would like to port this voice model to another singing synthesizer program.
Do not redistribute any part of this voice model. Link to this page to show where to download LIEE DIFF-SVC AI.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with this voice model.
You are allowed to use this model for pretraining.
If you used this model for pre-training, please indicate that you used LIEE DIFF-SVC AI for pre-training wherever you post samples of your voice model.
Do not release a model for pre-training other models if it has already been pre-trained with LIEE.
Do not release a model pre-trained with LIEE that is intended to recreate the voice of a celebrity, paid vocal synthesis voice, copyrighted fictional character, or otherwise public figure. (Showcasing inferenced examples is OK.) Be sure to indicate you pre-trained with LIEE, and link to this GitHub page.
Absolutely DO NOT sell models when you used LIEE for pre-training.
If sharing a voice model of an existing vocal synthesis character that is distributed for free (e.g. Kasane Teto of UTAU, etc), please indicate that you used LIEE for pre-train in the credits, and link to this GitHub page.
Julieraptor holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using the voice model or character.
Julieraptor holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of the voice model or voice model character.
These terms of use were originally generated with and adapted from https://tools.tubs.wtf/vbtougen and may or may not include additional edits.
Please contact Julieraptor for any questions or concerns about this voice model.
- Site: website
- YouTube: chulie_chu
- Email: [email protected]