Image analysis project
Set Up:
- Create a folder called "uploaded". The front end will upload the new query photo to this folder: /uploaded/
- The database images should be stored in: /image/
- Generate index file by running the main function in GenerateImageIndex Class, with -Xmx4g as VM (VirtualMachine) parameter. The auto-generated indexe file is named colorsimilarity.txt and will be stored in: / (Refer here for VM parameter in eclipse:
- The user uploads a new query image. It's going to be uploaded to /uploaded/
- The front end call the public static method: query(String fileName) in the Class WebServiceHandler.
- The relevent document names will be printed out using System.out.println().
- The front end will notice the document names and display the images.
Running SampleQuery.js node server/SampleQuery.js cwdPath classpath(source dir or jar file) imagefolderPath returnResultNumber exmaple: node server/SampleQuery.js /Users/jason/cs3246/cs3246-assignment2 bin query/ 40