Cavalieri is a C++ event stream processing tool to monitor distrubuted systems, it is inspired by the awesome project.
It implements the original protocol. That means you can leverage the existing riemann clients and tools. It also tries to mimic its stream API where possible.
Cavalieri's current version 0.1.2 is considered to be in beta state.
We use Riemann at my $DAILY_WORK. I started this project to have a better understanding of how Riemann works internally.
I kept working on it, and it reached a point where it became useful.
It's being tested by running side by side with our Riemann servers and seems to be stable -at least with the subset of features that are being used- to monitoring thousands of hosts.
Next steps are refactoring and cleaning up before adding more features.
- Install
- Create your rules
- Test your rules
- Sending events
- Stream functions
- Fold functions
- Predicate functions
- Common rules
- Event class
- Dashboard
- Cavalieri HOW-TO
You can install a deb package for Ubuntry 14.04 (Trusty) by adding this ppa:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juruen/cavalieri
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cavalieri
Packges coming soon!
Have a look at the build dependencies extracted from the deb package:
cmake, subversion, protobuf-compiler,libprotobuf-dev, libev-dev, libgflags-dev,
libgoogle-glog-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libssl-dev, libtbb-dev,
libjsoncpp-dev, lcov, flex, bison, libgoogle-glog-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev,
You will also need a C++11 enabled compiler. GCC >= 4.7 or an equivalent Clang.
Once the depencies are met. To build and install, do the following:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Clone cavalieri-rules, a template project to create your own rules.
git clone
cd cavalieri-rules
Open rules.cpp and add your rules. The default rule will send an email containing a critical event when a metric from requests_rate service is above 40.
#include <rules.h>
#include <external/pagerduty.h>
#include <external/email.h>
streams_t cavalieri_rules() {
auto mail_stream = email("localhost", "cavalieri@localhost",
return service("requests_rate")
>> above(40)
>> set_state("critical")
>> changed_state()
>> mail_stream;
Build a plugin containing your rules that will be loaded by cavalieri.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The above step generates a file that cavalieri will load.
Execute cavalieri in the build directory or use the -rules_directory flag to specifify where the plugin is.
$ cavalieri
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:36] config:
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:37] events_port: 5555
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:38] rimeann_tcp_pool_size:: 1
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:39] ws_port: 5556
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:40] ws_pool_size: 1
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:41] index_expire_interval: 60
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:42] rules_directory: .
I0403 23:15:44 config.cpp:43] --
I0403 23:15:44 rules_loader.cpp:60] rules loaded succesfully from
You can easily test your rules without putting them in production.
In the root directory of cavalieri-template there is a Python script that will help you to find out whether your rules are doing what you expect or not.
The way it works is pretty simple. Open and add the events that are supposed to trigger your alerts. By default, you already have some events that will trigger an alert for the default rules:
events = [
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 10, 'time': 0},
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 20, 'time': 60},
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 40, 'time': 120},
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 45, 'time': 180},
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 45, 'time': 240},
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 20, 'time': 300},
{'host': '', 'service': 'requests_rate', 'metric': 10, 'time': 360}]
Let's have a look at the default rules again:
auto s = service("requests_rate")
>> above(40)
>> set_state("critical")
>> changed_state()
>> mail_stream;
As you can see, the events defined in will trigger an alert when the metric is above 40. This happens for the event that is sent at time 180.
You can execute from the root directory of cavalieri-template. And you will magically see what happens to your rules when those events are passed through them:
"index" : [],
"reports" : [
"event" : {
"description" : "",
"host" : "",
"metric" : 45.0,
"service" : "requests_rate",
"state" : "critical",
"tags" : [],
"time" : 180
"extra" : "",
"message" : "send email from: cavalieri@localhost to: devops@localhost",
"time" : 180
As you can see in the above output, is reporting that an email would have been sent at time 180 to report that the requests_rate service is critical. makes use of cavalieri_tester, a binary that is capable of loading your rules and send events to them.
However, it does so in an special environment, where all the external calls such as email or pagerduty are mocked. It also mocks the scheduler, that means you can test months worth of events in just a few seconds.
This feature allows you to easily add your alert rules to your continous integration process.
When Cavalieri receives a SIGHUP signal, it will only reload the .so rule libraries that have changed.
This allows deployments where several teams push rules, to only reload and affect the namespaces that have changed.
This is something that Riemann doesn't allow and might be especially useful when multiple teams mantain rules.
You can use any of the existing clients. Just make them send events to a host running cavalieri.
It prints events that pass through it.
It prints events that pass through it and also the string that takes as an argument.
This can be used a as a sink that doesn't forward events.
It forwards events that contain the given service.
It forwards events that contain any of the given services. This behaves just like service but it takes a list of services instead of a single one.
It forwards events whose services match the given pattern.
service_like("foo%") >> prn("service starting with foo");
It forwards events whose services match any of the given pattern. This behaves just like service_like but it takes a list of patterns instead of a single one.
It forwards events whose state is set to state.
It forwards events whose state is any of states.
It fowards events that have a set attribute.
It sets the events service to service and forwards them.
It sets the events state to state and forwards them.
It sets the events host to host and forwards them.
It sets the events metric to value and forwards them.
It sets the events metric to description and forwards them.
It sets the events TTL to tll and forwards them.
If service is not set, it sets the events service to service and forwards them.
If state is not set, it sets the events state to state and forwards them.
If host is not set, it sets the events host to host and forwards them.
If metric is not set, it sets the events metric to value and forwards them.
If description is not set, it sets the events metric to description and forwards them.
If TTL is not set, it sets the events TTL to tll and forwards them.
Use this macro as a way to create a stream that modifies any of the event's fields.
It defines e as an event within its scope. You can call mutable functions on it. It then takes care of forwarding the modified event.
This is the actual macro:
#define WITH(EXP)\
[](const Event & const_event)
Event e(const_event);
return {e};
You can use it as follows:
// Change host field and description
WITH(e.set_host("cluster-001").set_description("aggregated master metrics"));
It takes a list of pairs. Each pair contains a predicate function and a stream. When an event is received, the event is passed to the first stream which predicate returns true.
You can see this function as a switch case statement where predicates are the cases.
split({{p::above(10), set_state("ok")},
{p::under(5), set_state("critical"}});
It takes a list of pairs and a default stream. Each pair contains a predicate function and a stream. When an event is received, the event is passed to the first stream which predicate returns true. If none of the predicates match, the event is passed to the default stream.
You can see this function as a switch case statement where predicates are the cases.
split({{p::above(10), set_state("ok")},
{p::under(5), set_state("critical")}},
When an event enters the split function that we defined above, three different scenarios can happen.
First scenario: the p::above(10) predicate returns true, and hence the event is forwarded to set_state("ok").
Second scenario: metric is not above 10, but it is under 5 and then p::under(5) returns true. The event is then forwarded to set_state("critical").
Third and last scenario: metric is between 5 and 10. Neither p::above(10) or p::under(5) return true. The event is then sent to the default stream. In this case set_state("warning").
Note that in the three scenarios, the result of going through any of the streams will be forwaded to any stream that is after split. This means that the code below prints the event with the state that split sets.
split({p::above(10), set_state("ok")},
{p::under(5), set_state("critical")},
set_state("warning")) >> prn ("result after going through split: ")
It passes events that make the predicate function return true.
where(p::under(5)) >> set_state("critical") >> notiy_email();
It passes events that make the predicate function return true. Otherwise, events are passed to else_stream.
above_stream = set_state("ok") >> prn("metric is above 5");
where(p::under(5), above_stream) >> set_state("critical") >> notiy_email();
It takes a list of event's fields. When an event enters this function, the field(s) are retrieved, for every new value that has not been seen before, it will create a copy of stream and the event will be passed to it. If the value was seen before, it will pass the event to the previously created stream.
Let's see this in action. We are going to use a stream function called rate which simply sums the event metrics that receives during dt seconds and divides the result by dt. Let's assume our servers send an event called backend_exception every time a request can't be handled and we would like to see the exception rate per server.
Note that if we just do what is below, we wouldn't get a per host rate, we would get a global rate.
auto rate_stream = set_metric(1) >> rate(60) >> prn("exceptions per second:");
If we want to compute the rate per host, that's when by() comes in handy. It helps us replicate the stream per each host so we can compute the rates individually.
auto rate_stream = set_metric(1)
>> rate(60)
>> prn("exceptions per second:");
// Use the host field and replicate rate_stream for evey distinct host.
by({"host"}, rate_stream);
You can pass several fields to by().
This is similar to by(const by keys_t & keys, const streams_t streams). But instead of passing the streams to clone for every distinct combinations of keys as a parameter, it will duplicate the streams that are concatenated after it.
Let's see the example of the other by() function using this one.
// Use the host field and replicate the stream that is next to it.
by({"host"}) >> set_metric(1) >> rate(60) >> prn("exceptions per second:");
It sums the metrics of the received events for dt seconds. After that period, an event is forwarded and its metric contains the accumulated value divided by dt.
// An easy way to count the rate of events that go through this stream
with({"metric", 1) >> rate(60) >> prn("events per second");
It keeps a map with the receivied events. Events are inserted in the map by using the combination of ttheir host and service as a key.
Every time a new event is received, the map is updated and all the events in it are forwarded to the fold function.
This function is useful to aggregate metrics from different hosts.
Similar to coalesce and more suitable when you just need a few events.
It takes a list of predicates. For every predicate, the last event that matches is stored. Whenever a new event arrives and matches any of the predicates, all the stored events are forwared to fold_fn.
// Create a new event metric that is the sum of foo and bar
project({p::serviced("foo"), p::service("bar"), sum) >> prn("foo + bar");
It only forwards events if there is a state change for a host and service. It assummes initial as the first state. It uses by({"host", "service"}) internally.
If you are sending emails, this is useful to not spam yourself and only send emails when something goes from ok to critical and viceversa.
It only forwards events if there is a state change for a host and service. It assummes ok as the first state. It uses by({"host", "service"}) internally.
If you are sending emails, this is useful to not spam yourself and only send emails when something goes from ok to critical and viceversa.
It forwards events only if they contain any of the given tags.
tagged_any({"debian", "ubuntu"}) >> above(5) >> email();
It forwards events only if they contain all the given tags.
tagged_any({"production", "london"}) >> above(5) >> email();
It forwards events only if they contain the given tag.
tagged("production") >> above(5) >> email();
Events are recevied and passed to fn as a mutable reference. You are free to modify the received event as you wish.
The function below changes appends the host name to the service.
void host_service(Event & e)
e.set_service(e.service() + "-" +;
smap(host_service) >> prn("new shiny service string");
Every time an event is received, the last n events are passed to fn which returns a new event that is forwarded.
It passes non-overlapping windows of n events to fn which returns a new event that is forwarded.
Every time an event is received, the last events within a dt window are passed to fn which returns a new event that is forwarded.
It passes non-overlapping windows of the events received within a dt window to fn which returns a new event that is forwarded.
It forwards events only when their state is the same for dt seconds. This is useful to avoid spikes.
It only forwards a maximum of n events during dt seconds.
It creates a reservoir that represents a distribution of the metrics received. Every interval seconds, it will emit a list of events with the given percentiles.
The corresponding percentile will be added to the service name of the emitted events.
// This will create a distrbution of the request_time metrics, and every
// 2 seconds it will emit events containing percentils: 0th, 50th, 90th, 95th
// and 100th
service("request_time") >> percentiles(2, {0.0, 0.5, 0.90, 0.95, 1});
It forwards events with metrics above k.
It forwards events with metrics under k.
It forwards events with metrics between a and b.
It forwards events with metrics not in the (a, b) interval.
It scales events' metric by s and forwards them.
// Transform bytes in bits
service("eth0_incoming") >> scale(8);
It just forwards events.
It counts the number of events that pass through it.
It forwards events that are expired.
It forwards events that are not expired.
It adds the list of passed tags to events and forwards them.
tags({"processed"}) >> prn("tag added")
It differenciates two subsequent events. The metric of the forwarded event is (metric_current - metric_previous) / (time_current - time_previous).
It indexes the receivied events. Indexed events can be queried through the websocket.
This is usful to know the current state of an event from a dashboard.
It forwards the received events to a graphite server using new line carbon TCP protocol.
This is an external function, meaning that cavalieri will talk to an external service, in this case, a graphite server.
It forwards the received events to a cavalieri or riemann server using TCP.
This is an external function, meaning that cavalieri will talk to an external service, in this case, a cavalieri or riemann server.
It emails the received events with from sender to to recipient using the specified SMTP server.
This is an external function, meaning that cavalieri will talk to an external service, in this case, an SMTP server.
It triggers a Pager Duty incident based on the received event and using pd_key as the API key. Note that service key will be event's host and service.
This is an external function, meaning that cavalieri will talk to an external service, in this case, Pager Duty.
It acknowledges a Pager Duty incident based on the received event and using pd_key as the API key. Note that service key will be event's host and service.
This is an external function, meaning that cavalieri will talk to an external service, in this case, Pager Duty.
It resolves a Pager Duty incident based on the received event and using pd_key as the API key. Note that service key will be event's host and service.
This is an external function, meaning that cavalieri will talk to an external service, in this case, Pager Duty.
Fold functions are functions that take a list of events, do some processing with them such as reducing and return an event with the result.
These functions are mostly meant to be used with stream functions that forward a list of events.
It returns an event that contains the sum of the metrics of events.
It returns an event that contains the product of the metrics of events.
It returns an event that contains the difference of the metrics of events.
It returns an event that contains the mean of the metrics of events.
It returns an event that contains the minimum value of the metrics of events.
It returns an event that contains the maximum of the metrics of events.
It returns an event that contains the number of received events.
These rules are based on the above stream functions, but they are more high-level and more opinionated.
They asumme that two states critical and ok are enough. Events coming out from these function have their state set to any of them.
It sets state to critical if metric is above value. Otherwise, it sets it to ok.
It sets state to ok if metric is under value. Otherwise, it sets it to critical.
It takes trigger as a function predicate to check events. It sets the state to critical when trigger has returned true for more than dt seconds.
It sets it back to critical when trigger has returned false for more than dt seconds.
This is useful to avoid spikes.
stable_metric( /* seconds */ 300, p::above(200))
>> changed_state("ok")
>> email();
Similar to the above function but taking an extra predicate cancel that is used as a threshold to set it back to ok.
It sets the state to critical when trigger has return true for more than dt seconds.
It sets it back to critical when cancel has returned true for more than dt seconds.
This is useful to avoid spikes.
stable_metric( /* seconds */ 300, p::above(200))
>> changed_state("ok")
>> email();
This function aggregates metrics of events that are received using fold_fn (See fold functions). The event that results is passed to a stable_metric stream using dt, trigger and cancel.
Let's see an example. Say we have a bunch of web servers in our London data center. Those servers are reporting a metric called failed_requests_rate. We would like to create another metric that is the aggregated sum of all the servers and trigger an alert when that value is above a given value for more than dt seconds.
>> tagged("datacenter::london")
>> agg_stable_metric(/* secs */ 300, sum, p::above(200), p::under(50))
>> changed_state("ok")
>> email();
This function sets the state of the events to critical when it receives more than n different critical events.
In the example below, we trigger an alert when more than 20 servers report a puppet failure in a DC.
>> tagged("datacenter::paris")
>> max_critial_hosts(20)
>> changed_state()
>> set_host("datacenter::paris")
>> set_service("too many puppet failures")
>> email();
These functions are used to filter events. Its main purpose is to evaluate events and return true or false based on what is being checked.
There are two types of predicate functions. Those returning predicate_t, which can be used as arguments for where() and split. And those returning bool, which can be returned to build your own predicate_t functions, or within your own stream functions.
Check if the event metric is greater than or equal to value.
Check if the event metric is greater than value.
Check if the event metric is less than or equal to value.
Check if the event metric is less than value.
Check if the event state is equal to state.
Check if the event service is equal to service.
Check if the field key in the event is equal to value.
Check if the field key in the event is equal to any of the values.
Check if the field key in the event matches the regular expression in regex.
regex is a string containing a valid ECMAScript regular expression.
Check if the field key in the event matches any of the regular expression in regexes.
Check if the field key in the event matches a SQL like string that uses '%' to search for patterns.
Check if the field key in the event matches any of the SQL like strings.
This function always returns true.
Check if any of the tags is present in event.
Check if all tags are present in event.
Check if event is expired.
Check if metric in event is greater than or equal value.
Check if metric in event is greater than value.
Check if metric in event is less than or equal to value.
Check if metric inevent is less than value.
Check if the field key in event is equal to value.
Check if the field key in event matches the regex.
Check if the field key in event matches the SQL like string that uses '%' to search for patterns.
This is the Event class that is used widely all over Cavalieri. It's basically a wrapper to the generataed Riemann protobuf class that adds some handy functions.
Here is the list of function members in this class:
Event(const riemann::Event & event)
Event(const Event &) = default
Event copy() const
riemann::Event riemann_event() const
std::string host() const
Event & set_host(const std::string host)
bool has_host() const
Event & clear_host()
std::string service() const
Event & set_service(const std::string service)
bool has_service() const
Event & clear_service()
std::string state() const
Event & set_state(const std::string state)
bool has_state() const
Event & clear_state()
std::string description() const
Event & set_description(const std::string description)
bool has_description() const
Event & clear_description()
int64_t time() const
Event & set_time(const int64_t time)
bool has_time() const
Event & clear_time()
float ttl() const
Event & set_ttl(const float ttl)
bool has_ttl() const
Event & clear_ttl()
double metric() const
Event & set_metric(const double metric)
bool has_metric() const
Event & clear_metric()
std::string metric_to_str() const
float metric_f() const
Event & set_metric_f(const float metric)
bool has_metric_f() const
Event & clear_metric_f()
float metric_d() const
Event & set_metric_d(const double metric)
bool has_metric_d() const
Event & clear_metric_d()
int64_t metric_sint64() const
Event & set_metric_sint64(const int64_t metric)
bool has_metric_sint64() const
Event & clear_metric_sint64()
std::string value_to_str(const std::string field) const
bool has_field_set(const std::string field) const
std::string json_str() const
bool has_tag(const std::string tag) const
Event & add_tag(const std::string tag)
Event & clear_tags()
bool has_attr(const std::string attribute) const
std::string attr(const std::string attribute) const
Event & set_attr(const std::string attribute, const std::string value)
Event & clear_attrs()
You can use the standard dahsboard to query and visualize the state of the index.