I am a reliable, self-motivated worker being skilled in problem-solving under pressure, aiming for personal and professional growth. I possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, coupled with strong analytical abilities. My passion for learning new things drives me to continuously seek improvement, never settling for the status quo. Coordinating with teams to get projects done is my specialty while ensuring every task is completed efficiently and effectively.
🔭 I’m currently working on SQL, ETL , Data Engineering
🌱 I’m currently learning DevOps, Docker, CI/CD Pipelines, Kubernetes
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Web Development , AiML ,DS
⚡ Fun fact : I i am creative
Connect with me: [email protected]
- Data Science ,Web Development, Machine Learning , Deep Learning
WordPress , HTML , CSS , JavaScript , React , FireBase
Python , SQL , Pandas , MatPlotlib , PowerBI, Tableau
Figma , Adobe Premiere Pro , Adobe Photoshop